Selling 20/20 Wands, q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!
Pleikki -
April 19, 2020 at 3:58 PM -
Q8 +5e Celestial Longbow 35a.
40a Celestial Longbow
Edit: also like to put 5a on the Ironwing -
New 2 60a
I really don't understand how the lovely New 18 doesn't have any offers yet ! 5a on it
NEW5 250e
August 20, 2021 at 1:55 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW ITEMS 9/8! q8 15st Sephis, q8 +5e cele bow, q8 Shadow shield, q7's & q8s Low Req q4-6s, prenerfs! / & Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!” to “R/B Added 20/8! q8 15st Sephis, q8 +5e cele bow, q8 Shadow shield, q7's & q8s Low Req q4-6s, prenerfs! / & Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!”. -
Added R/B prices for NEW and also some older q8 items! -
R/b NEW2
pm31 : r/b
Thank you
August 22, 2021 at 10:37 AM Changed the title of the thread from “R/B Added 20/8! q8 15st Sephis, q8 +5e cele bow, q8 Shadow shield, q7's & q8s Low Req q4-6s, prenerfs! / & Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!” to “NEW ITEMS 22/8, q7 FDS, q8 Magmas shield, 20/20 Wands & more prenerfs! // Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!”. -
new3 8a
S16 r/b
G16 5a
New 2 : 1a
New 12 : 1a
As some of you allready noticed, added some new items yday.Older items were moved to images below or sold/removed from sale!
NEW3 10a
NEW6 250e
New 3 12a
NEW3 15a
g2 rb
g21 rb
retract g20
new4 50e
new3 18a
New1 10e
New1 20e
IGN Firestone dragon
New1 25e
New1 I offer 2a
August 27, 2021 at 5:46 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW ITEMS 22/8, q7 FDS, q8 Magmas shield, 20/20 Wands & more prenerfs! // Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!” to “NEW ITEMS R/B ADDED 27/8, q7 FDS, q8 Magmas shield, 20/20 Wands & more prenerfs! // Old q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons, Mixed dyes and more!”. -
R/B added for new items! I will try to contact ppl with bids that met R/B During this weekend! -
rb g19
4a new6
2a NEW15
G5 250e rb