adding this
Posts by Charb
DV Vertebreaker - 50e
le bump
Le bump with new stuff!
Everyone with an offer, feel free to pm me ingame - will merch by this weekend!
IG: Low Charb Diet
R/B and B/O added
I'm selling this week or I merch
Cloud Strife - my IG: Low Charb Diet
San - after discussion with - I will accept your offer. Thank you
Bump! New stuff
r/b and b/o added
others are merch, very few ecto
List updated!
bump with a new shield
Amber Aegis comes only OS 🙂
Can you guys price check this one for a friend ?
Last bump
I don’t see the celestial going more than 50-80e:
q13 and unwanted skin for some reason.
Defender (come always in str attribute) is perfect - I wouldn’t sell under 3-5a. Bid war may also make it higher
Lowered some r/b
Add some r/b and b/o
I will start selling by Wednesday
Cheers !
New shield added:
2) 2 arm
le bump
Adding some r/b and b/o
If you still selling this one:
Q9 Amber +10 ogres +30hp : 1a
Adding these shield ;s
Thank you for offers so far