Posts by HeavensDevil
zodiac bow 3a
Is Amber not just Death Magic on plants?
Hi and welcome to the legendary game of GW1!
1. You can use this chart: GW gear stat ranges - Item information - Guild Wars Legacy to check the maximum and minimum stat ranges for all weapons. For all inscribable weapons (these drop in Eye of the North and Nightfall and can be modded with an inscription) only max stats are worth something beyond their gold value at the merchant.
For non-inscribable weapons (called OS=Oldschool weapons - these drop in Prophecies and Factions and can no longer be modded with an inscription, the inscription comes fixed with the drop and cannot be changed anymore) there CAN also be some value in a weapon that is non-max (e.g. a mod is one off or a stat is one off, but the skin very rare)
In that case you may ask for a price check. But 98% of regular (non-dungeon chest) drops are "merch" (sell to the merchant)
2. Use Kamadan Trade Chat Search to search for the item you'd like to find a value for. If it's a dungeon drop or valuable you'll find past trade chats of people selling or looking to buy it for x amount. That way you can gauge an estimate value.
GL and hf playing -
Was expecting full Canthan theme like Kaineng city with that intro but still very scenic shots even tho u had us in the first half
5a hex crude
But since we want to reduce risk as much as possible with this to avoid getting disappointed make sure to use a regular salvage kit for dust or iron and minimze salvage costs
Merch it without id, better not take the risk
to be 100% safe you have to salvage it for a chance of amber chunk and not waste 4-5 gold on an identification
I already have a bronze q8
But I'll bid on it... 10a -
Been looking for 19/19 - 20/20 Zodiac Scepters for forever (my WTB) and then this drops today:
6-12a, bigger range due to low arm prices atm imo