Posts by PB168
It's about how much collector (if u would find one that will be interested) want to pay for this. It's compeletly useless on things like soosc.
Agent Chevy can u tell it's PC +/- just for future evaluations?
for insc q9 and higher check here:
Kamadan Trade Chat Search (
I would say few arms - 10 a max with current market if u don't want to wait for buyer half year.
I wouldn't merch zodiac, even q13 it's worth sth.
17 -> 50e
Outcast q11t, +10vs blunt -2we
1a if still available
Reinforced skele 1 a
Skull skele 50 e
I would merch everything. U can try to sell kamas and smiting rod for few ecto/ea if u have a lot of free time.
chakram ~ 30 e, hard sell
emblazoned put on auction I would say xx e depends on interest
defender I would merch or ask Red
cesta is merch
f 200 e
f 120 e
F = 60 e
Yo! All merch. Maybe salvage 20% vs undead on sword.
Also this might be helpful:
q9 channeling 20 hct earth
Blue? Purple? Gold?
Mods doesn't matter here bc GC are only insc.
Bc u didn't metion its rarity, some things to take as refference point:
- 6/14 are less desired than 7/15 and 8/16 (actually least desired combo that is still sometimes bought from low req insc shields),
- great conch is not really desired skin, and they don't get good prices,
- blue low req max armor insc shields are most of the time 10-30e
- gold are few arms depends on skin (on very rare occasions xx arms but only for few skins)
- purples are somwehre between
crude undead b/o
eternal com 35 e
eternal command 25 e
eternal command 15 e
Single mod q9 slashing magma - 10 ecto
when u put this on auction
Im less active these days
Q9 morning star axe +5e
15 e
Are you going to provide the results here ?
I would also be interested to see the route you're taking. Could you or someone here provide a map with the route marked in it for Xaquang Skyway please?
This is pretty standard route for xaquang, only vermin part:
Q12 Tac SSS -2e +10v Dwarves
S.b 1e
30 e
What this game needs are better servers.
xx ecto bc of 1 off. If u have new item to PC just close previous thread and make a new one.
SH2, SH6, MW4 and MW5 will be sold tommorow if no more bids and I will be able to reach offerers.
Hi, top q9 + 5ene swords are 2-3-4 a range, and the first one definitely meets this criteria. Q13 I would put on hero to save it from merchant.
Q10+ DVs are hard to sell and u cannot do real DV on FDS, so take whatever is offered.
Bump, new stuff.
17 a bladed demons
q9s are 4-5 a rn (bought one for 4a if I remember correct, this is by far most wanted +5 ene sword). Noone want q10, I think there was one q10 some time ago on forum and it didn't get any bids. If u will find buyer I would say anything in range 10-30 e is fair price.
u need q10 air df 20% HCt ?