Ghostly staves req. heal and prot.
I already own some, but rarity level red.
And a tonic and mini of me (everyone would want it! of course..)
Ghostly staves req. heal and prot.
I already own some, but rarity level red.
And a tonic and mini of me (everyone would want it! of course..)
I would add that 400gv is not enough. Here with these skins, you'd need to be not only q9 but with more interesting basic stats. And find a buyer who wants these skins with a 400gv.
Yeah two different i believe, but two same ones ?
When the 2 drop, they are allocated randomly.
With this specifically boss, yes, 2 greens can drop.
Es gibt Schlimmeres als Französisch und Koreanisch in einem englischen Forum.
Ansonsten mag ich es, den Ton im Spiel auf koreanisch einzustellen, das klingt wie ein Kung-Fu-Film.
As someone who has never used toolbox, I can say I have heard all about the sweet features but it never looked like the Iconic Interface for me so I never used it. That being said, people crying about the chest feature being removed and saying “I’ll never do this again until it’s back.”Well that’s just lazy. I’ve never known the silky blanket of opening a chest at a distance before you have to walk up to it. That doesn’t sound like how the game was designed to be. I’m glad it’s gone, it was probably used by every chest runner bot there was.
The funny thing in this story is that, like ID dialogs, the function for opening a remote chest has been removed from TB++ and that .dll prior to the build change to Visual Studio 2022 in autumn 2024 are no longer compatible today. But that doesn't mean you can't use it in GW. Gamers who relied on TB++ to provide them with functions are (generally) unable to understand their meaning, and moreover unable to develop these functions themselves via in-house software or a plugin via TB++. I'd say they get what they deserve. And again I'm zapping, back when TB++ didn't yet exist, with players gargling with functions/bugs who didn't understand or people who buy third-party software without a graphical user interface, etc. etc.. No arms, no chocolate!
Note from a player who opened +40k of chest without third-party software.
Cant be more mixed, can it ?
Playing an air magic build with
Thanks for heads up, i never had any issues myself tho with any of these threads we have with millions of images here in legacy :p
Strange, when I posted it was super slow to load, but not the other forum threads, nor the connection at home in general. Now the page loads directly without any lag (?)
Pleikki the images are very very very slow to load, so much so that you don't wait for them to appear.
The weight varies according to the PNG images, but it's the number of images per page that should be the problem. You should add them in Thumbnail mode at the very least.
Drugs, you say? Sorry, I was born in a nenuphare...
I'm wondering if this would have been possible all along or just because servers got better over time
It was a thing for a while, but was reverted back to 'normal' because odd gfx issues in towns. This is a "we figured out the issue and re-increased the player limits in towns."
I can't remember which update nerfed the old high player cap, but i believe it <honest truth> had to do with "flying Wintersday decorations." 😆 I think like 3-5 years ago.
This was not notified via an update, but the outpost instances had seen the maximum number of players reduced (After testing for increased in 2018: update may 9 2018 "the player-cap in districts was increased on May 8th, the day prior to this update."). This was tiring and led to too many small instances.
The beginning of this story took shape via a post by Stephen on Reddit, 7 years ago: here
With all these animals on the same island, the food chain must be a real carnage! (I say that and now this card pops into my head...)
I always hear what the people say. ID at the original post
Should have waited longer for dual mod
And if you wait any longer, it will duplicate itself! Or you're very old and can't see very well (and you're drunk).
Merch it without id, better not take the risk
Nooob! recycle for Amber Chunk (but shh it's a pro gamers secret).
check for mods-> if poopoo-> sell :^)
But in the case of -2w/e and +10 VS demon (difficult to test...) you can also sell a dual perfect without knowing it. And then the buyer PMs you 2 minutes later - Hey look what it was!! <(Ty CuriousAz)
I experienced the opposite, no xp gain for more interesting drops. Maybe the 2 factors are right (gain or no gain of XP), but a third or more affects them. Not dying and covering X distance or the amount of time spent in the zone/dungeon... it all gets a bit twisted at some point. Especially since, without a real constant, it's easy to see noon at your door.
PyroLobster could have done exactly the same and still not have half of these drops, without knowing why.
I explained for the Zethuka items (here). With new characters and/or a new account, this systematically increased the chance for these items. I had compared this to Nighfall's treasure chest, which can also drop better items, the longer you wait before re-opening them, or also opening them with a new character/account.
I think the elements that affect this are multiple in the game's source code (only 1 could be manipulated, it's not possible if the factors are multiple and numerous).
But it's clear to me that the “virgin” + time factor plays a “reset” role, or at least allows for more luck, apart from other multiple factors.
(I remember a few years ago, every day, over a period of 2-3 weeks, after 5-10 runs in Bogroot, my 3 accounts would drop a Froggy. And in the same order for the drop (account 1, then 2, then 3, etc). Which is a lot of Froggy and contradicts the logic above. But with the luck factor, why not? The only “new” element was an old account donated by an old player, whose new character, who had done nothing in the game and was not killing anyone, was simply opening the chest with group (3 accounts and heros). And I've also noticed it with my low LvL, which prevents any XP gain in the game, with chests on zones. The Terrorweb Dryders in Gate of Pain drop Ghostly staff and Eternal shield q8, but after a while (5-10 runs) this is very very very very rare, especially the Ghostly staff).
too late ..
(*ceci est un f**k)
Blue(s) for PvP more simple for q5-8 and complet collection for multiple switchs. (a skin a mod*)
That's when I finished it, with about 5000 pts, up to the max title, 100.000 pts, about 70-80a.
Now, 100,000pts = 20,000 Z keys = 80 stacks = ~15a x 80 = 1200a in 2025 (!!)
Finally unlocked the last outpost in the game on my rit. Now z title is the only thing left
Unlock the outposts in pve and all skills it's minimum vitals for maximum fun.
Ghostly fire will be a few arms 2-10a range contact Neutral_CH if the staff has 300gv
Same for Eternal shld q9 str
PvP titles:
- Gives you more Balthazar faction max. than you can accumulate (max. 250.000pts). See also Hero Panel for infos.
- Allegiance rank (Kurzick & Luxon) give you more faction cap max (max. 70,000pts) and more Imperial faction max (max. 140,000pts). Also via Hero Panel.
- The rest of the PvP titles don't change your account/character status. Except emotes for Hero and GvG titles.
PvE titles:
- Account titles: The luck/unluck title, Treasure hunter and Wisdom, changes the way you recover your lockpicks (% luck) as well as when you recycle an item in your inventory (% luck).
- The Nightfall and Eye of the North titles (Lightbringer, Sunspear, Asura, Deldrimor, Ebon Vanguard, Master of the North and Norn) change the power of skills linked to these peoples (PvE skills). And apart from Sunspear, they change the power of the associated rank, when the title is selected.
If I forget nothing the rest offers no advantage once finished, apart from the satifaction of having completed it and for the HoM of course.
The advantage in Eden is with Vanguard quests: “Characters with an active Vanguard Quest in their Quest Log will receive an armor boost while in any explorable area. Those traveling with quest takers will not have the bonus.” After, if you do it the old-school way, you'll be at a disadvantage in terms of multiple suicides. But who still uses the old-school way and these 100,000 deaths, to increase the LvL of Charrs, in order to reach LvL20 (I would have done it a 3rd time :D).
Putting it into perspective, in 2025, with a q11, this is a pain and a waste of time to sell and my heroes are long since full. A slot used for nothing or donate.
Without favor, fresh drop.
(In my experience, Zehtuka's Shortbow is rarer than Zehtuka's Pack, which is rarer than Zehtuka's Jug. I'm especially happy for the bow, which very, very, very rarely falls out).
q9 inscr chan ghostly is 2-10a range, wait for someone who needs one in kamadan and try to sell in that range, they are pretty rare because they drop only in dryders chest in nf
If several players fight over it, prices can rise to over 5a- 10a (for channeling, earth and domination, the most sought-after requirements). But if not, the price drops steadily and we regret having put it up for sale.
For those who knew the Ultimate Breaks and Beats vinyls. I bought my first vinyl of this series in 1989 (I'm fucking old!)