b1 bladed q5 +43/-2we 50e
Edit : all right ivann thanks for the feedback glhf
b1 bladed q5 +43/-2we 50e
Edit : all right ivann thanks for the feedback glhf
def28 2a
bring back my girls
Oh no wait
Bring up my post
hey mate,
Gratz on that very nice collection!
You must have been looking hard and for a while, establish connections with other active players for them to look for your (forgotten) shields, chest run a lot... this is a great work!!
I am going through the (almost) exact same process rn... came back, chestrunned, and ended up looking for a nice os shield for my assa. Found a cute q9t exalted +43 -2 we that I bought for 4a. I just found in love with it and started my q9t 2off hp mods collection... in some monthes I might have enough to show you guys.
Gj on your collection again, keep us tuned !
Bring up my shields
it does interest me but for the records on my thread you got an offer too good to disagree on a shield you price-checked 50e
Stop trashing those now please (bump)
Would you do 1 stack of gold zcoin for 4a + 100e ?
IGN : Lampa De Cheveto
is the magma lighting still up for sale ? I can offer 4a
Hello all,
I want to buy q9t OS shields with +43hp/x as first mod (can maybe change my mind on this for a beauty)
I specifically am looking for
- q9t Aegis/SotW +43we -2we
- q9s Magmas +43we -2we
I don't need
+ 10 lightning
+ 10 ogres
+ 10 piercing
Feel free to wsp me here or ingame with a b/o if you have. Otherwise I'd gladly give you my offer.
Thank you!
IGN : Lampa De Cheveto
st_012 Bo 4a
IGN : Lampa De Cheveto
bo staff q12 df 20/20 heal 15e
Bo staff q9 smite 20/20 5a
IGN : Lampa De Cheveto
adrastos there is a q11 lemme my q12 now
**Mod Edit** I have merged your posts.
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
4. Non bids
There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid.
Hello everyone,
As I couldn't find the answer I'd like to ask if the common and the uncommon steel dagger skins can be gold items ?
On the wiki they say that a rarer skin can be on a lower rarity item but nothing on the opposite. I guess the answer is no ?
Thank you very much
10e Aureate Daggers q9 15^50
I'll contribute with my 4 favourite and less known armor mix I've come up with.
My mesmer, love that white mix with the tights on the arms and on the legs. She can also be such a witch when she wears her black kit.
My main back in time, my love, my Monk.
I do live for my para and dervish mix as well. Nothing extraordinary as it is obsidian with one different piece but I've never faced those in game yet.
The first look of my derv is my favourite. I also like a lot the second and third one, can't really decide...
Let's run the auction until tomorrow 5 AM GMT for the Bo and the greenies.
Otherwise they'll be sold to c/o apart for G1 and G4
Cute G1 G4 I will hold for a 250e b/o. Are you including the knife or not ?
Edit/bump : deleted previous items and added some (boring) OS
**Mod Edit** Coutigro
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
12. Price check threads.
If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.
Hello fellow Guild Wars enthousiasts,
Been opening some zchests lately.
Need place and there are some items I can't resign to merch.
Unid golds : 7=5k (59 batches)
Everlasting Ooze 5e each (4 left) -> sold to Cute
Q9 Inscriptibles : 5e each if not specified otherwise
- Celestial Compass Q9 Fire 100e
- Draconic Aegis Q9 Command 50e
- Gothic Axe
- Gothic Dual Axe
- Broadsword
- Celestial Shield (Tactics)
- Gloom Shield (Tactics)
- Fellblade
- Shinobi Blade (x4)
- Jade Sword
OS Martials : 5 to 20e each
- Shadow Sword Q10 +15^50 (5e)
- Shadow Sword Q9 +15 we (5e)
- Gothic sword Q9 15^50 (5e)
- Gothic sword Q9 15 we (5e)
- Gothic sword Q10 +5 Energy (5e)
- Gothic axe Q9 15^50
- Chaos Axe Q9 15^50 (20e) -> sold to Pwr Up
- Ironwing Q9 +15 we (15e)
- Storm Bow Q9 15 we (10e)
Celestial Compass Q10+
5e each
- Q10 & 12 Communing, Q11 Air, Q11 Curses, Q12 inspiration, Q12 & 13 Spawning Power, Q13 Prot
15e each
- Q10 Earth, Q12 Illusion
Thanks for watching and have fun
Came back to the game for the 12 582nd time and discovered about prenerf greens.
I happen to have some prenerf items that would be better in the hands of some gourmet connoisseurs.
(Prenerf greens confirmed by the one and only Mr UnHoly (thanks again))
G1 C/O 1a Cute B/O 250e Cute -> sold
G2 C/O 1a Cute
G3 C/O 1a Cute -> sold
G4 C/O 1a Cute B/O 250e Cute-> sold
G5 C/O 1a Cute -> sold
G6 C/O 1a Cute -> sold
G7 C/O 1a Cute -> sold
G8 C/O 1a Cute -> sold
Bags and Belts have a B/O of 8a.
I have 3 exemplaries of P1 and 2 exemplaries of P2. They'll be put in sale after the former is sold
P1.1 C/O B/O sold
P2.1 C/O B/O-> sold IG b/o
B1 C/O B/O sold
B2 C/O B/O-> sold IG b/o
B3 C/O B/O sold
2 misc. items
R1 C/O B/O 2a
G9 C/O B/O 50e
And the purple bo staff
C/O 50a Moon -> sold
I reserve all selling rights.
You want the selling rights ?!
Best I can do is I let you guys the selling rights of the belts and the bags.
Thanks for passing by and happy bidding
Edit : Corrected versions of Milthuran and Stonreaper (sorry)
I'm not a collector but I'd like to contribute with this one
I know it's not much as it's 14^50 but the story behind is what makes it feel special to me, it was back around 2005/2006 probably, some random dude sold it to me for 5k (along with a gold skull shield with one mod) in Ascalon. He told me that it would be a good set for a beginner. I remember barely being able to pay for it and hesitating to buy.
ok, thank you very much. As a returning pve lord I am not that much used to auction and I didn't know I could reserve the rights to sell.
Long live this lovely community, thanks for the answers mates.
ok thank you for your answer.
Yeah I guess it will depend on the buyers will for the bo staff. Dunno yet if I wanna sell as I don't think it might reach double digits arm price ?
I just found 2 shields on some heroes that I'll add to the list once I get back from work
Theres an emblazoned one q11T-2^E + 41^E and a skelle shield q13T -3/+60^Hex
Edit : until I got more lucky with chests, new items I'd like a PC on
Can you confirm those are in the 15-30e range please ? Are the bows a bit more ? Is the hammer even sellable ?
Q10 Gothic Sword +5e
Q9 Shadow blade +15^E
Q10 Shadow blade +15^50
Q11 Katana +15%/-5e
Q9 Storm bow +15^S
Q9 Earth Shadow staff 20/10
Q10 Gavel of the Nephilim +5e
Q9 Amber Longbow +15%/-5e
I also have an old purple eternal bow Q10 14^50 I guess it's trash ?
Thanks in advance!