Posts by Paulie Gualtieri
Icy blade axe a few e maybe.
10-30e but hard to sell (assuming they're both +10 energy, which would mean post-nerf max).
The idol is hand skin. All items are max for their q. Thanks.
The damage range is max for q8.
sb 5e, bo 2a
Closing 24 hours after last bid or in one week if no bids by then.
LF someone to get me to vizunah local quarter. You'll need the quest mayhem in the market. Paying 40-60e depending on whether you run it or do it with heroes. PM me here if you can do it.
sb 5e, no bo.
Closing 24 hours after last bid. Closing on June 30 if no bids by then.
Lowered price.
Currently in Ascalon, but will probably get to Drok's/LA in the next few hours. PM me here or in-game: IGN Pew Pew L O V E
sb 2a, bo 4a.
Closing 24 hours after last bid.
In the highly unlikely event of a failed run (game crash on my part, etc.), I can do the rest for free as soon as possible. You can AFK during a run.
Not doing any runs that require completing missions (with the exception of sanctum cay). In Nightfall only doing Vabbi tour or any run that is a subset of it. Can't do bone palace/vizunah local. If you want a full proph tour (minus ring of fire and dragon's lair), I can do it in 2 sittings. Running everything for tips except the proph tour (100e or 2a).
Have a decent amount of experience, ran everything in the game at least once by now, apart from the things listed above. I use a standard dervish bar with 50% IMS.
IGN: Pew Pew L O V E
Price negotiable. If speedbooking, you can't complete a time for heroes because I don't want to trigger WiK...
The air staff is "normal" skin. Thanks.
All items are max for their q, except the dead sword. Thanks.