- Still deathless
- Finished Prophecies, started some EotN campaign
- Doing Daily Zaishen VQ & missions, combining with Skill Hunter title
- Some near death at Zen Daijun Hm mission, afflicions can be tough!
- Finished R3 survivor, currently at 1,7mil XP deathless
- 4 maxed titles
I was in dire need of some cash so I thought to do some feather farming (of course selling everything to trader), did not get as much cash as I thought, maybe like 30k in 1 hour farming, including the runes and items i got
Some of the loot I got that was worth saving, Prodigy's is going for my beloved Norgu, my man! Do not know if any of the weapons are worth anything but any Ironman player can trader me =)

This also dropped for me when I was farming weekly Gifts of the Traveler
Sold it to the trader for cash, need to upgrade my heroes!

Everytime I have been outside in a zone/mission I always check what elite skills I can capture so I always bring with me 1 or 2 capture signets. It is going to be worth the time consuming it in the end while doing cartographer/other titles along the way!
This is typical of Olias, arriving to the battle when it has just ended, I "love" MM heroes, espcially Olias since he thinks it is the highest priority to heal the minions and put Death Nova on minions when the team is in deep shit. You have one more warning Olias
Here we go again with Olias minding his own business while we hard working middle-class people trying to make a living, he likes to sit back and watch the show. After this Vanquish I am done with you, I am switching you for Sousuke, I bet he is going to enjoy coming back to my glorious 0 death Ironman-GWAMM.
Bye bye now Olias, do not take this personally, but I think you should return to your old clan The White Mantle where you came from or go back to your Lord of Grenth and give him a kiss from me.
Have to say.... This was really painful to vanquish.... I seriously wandered everywhere for just a mob or 2, 1h30min for this vanquish 
This is it for this session, I hope this motivates anybody also striving for this kind of challenge, nr #1 rule, no death!