Posts by Ingame Notoriety
Bloodspear , 3k
IGN: Ingame Notoriety
Want to buy the following Strength Shields with dual mods +30hp +10 Armor (Element or Slash/blunt/piercing) :
Plagueborn Shield
Bladed Shield
Stats required:
+ 30hp +10 armor (Element/ Physical)
Any SKIN Shield
Stats required :
- 2enchanted +10 armor (vs Undead or Demons) (req 9 tac for vs demons)
+ 30hp +10 armor (vs Undead or Demons) (req 9 tac for vs demons)
Also buying q7 Tactics and Command shields.
Feel free to message me in game as well
IGN: Ingame Notoriety -
Wow, if only that Plagueborn were Strength.. beautiful shield, GLWS.
Ill take the battlepick.
<--- IGN
Oh, Notority don't lecture me on pvp shields
Every Q7/15 shield is what 20-40e and that sea purse skin is why 30000% the value over others?
So please enlighten me why a common shield that STILL drops is worth two times the value of a pre-nerf Q8 perfect Crysta how..?
Its Greed, not market value bye.
I lecture you cause you don't know your arse from the ground about the q7 tac shield market. Try looking for another sea purse with those stats and see how quickly you find one. Hrwakka's got a q7 tac SotW going for 130e atm, and SotW is one of the most common skins.
I'll just leave this here..
Low Level Shields and their use?
Simply supply and demand.
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It’s a question of connoisseurship. And if I have to explain that to you, then I shake my head at you 😉 (see what I did there?).
Haha I do.
I have a "clean" dog turd on my lawn . No text to read, low requirement. It's snowflake-esque rare in shape and spirals counterclockwise. Guaranteed no other dog will drop this rare skin. WTS 1750e. Holla.
From my perspective, seems there's some bias and maybe some butt-hurt from this post granted you collect these "clean" items.
Ill just leave this here:
Say what you want about that Sea Purse, but if it has to be explained why a q7/15 tactics inscriptable shield continues to prove invaluable to the PvP community, then I'll just simply shake my head at you.
We collect what we collect, I collect for function and sometimes rarity, but for me, Function>Rarity.
The lower tactics requirement makes it easier to achieve full armor of the shield and allows more flexibility for distribution and allowance for attribute spread in builds giving a small advantage in some cases. So let's break it down shall we?
Function? Definitely.
Advantage? +10AL to whatever you're coming up against = Awesome.
Sea purse skin? Awesome to me, and not easy to find in those stats.A gold q8 uninscriptable Magmas +45hp/-2stance =
Rare = Yes, nice to look at in trade windows
Stats = Decent
Advantage = Nope
. What real war wants to spec low strength?
I have no clue what the allure of "clean" items you collect. Maybe it's because you have to read less text when you hover over it?
You should be reading more, knowledge is power.
Function? Nope
Advantage? Nope.
Rare? Maybe, but probably because most people rightly throw that crap in the trash.