If you're looking to learn DoA you're best off joining the Teach Discord: https://discord.gg/3Txr4x6
You could also ask there about Guilds I guess.
If you're looking to learn DoA you're best off joining the Teach Discord: https://discord.gg/3Txr4x6
You could also ask there about Guilds I guess.
This thread will be censored faster than light
I'm surprized it's not locked yet.
There was a hope that some sensible discussion could be had on the topic of what people think about content of threads/botted items in Sell threads on Legacy.
Without it becoming an accusation/insult match between users. This is exactly what makes it difficult to A) Moderate/Verify contents of Sell threads. B) Have this kind of open discussion.
Some interesting points have been made, and its a topic some people obviously have strong feelings about, but if we could all please stick to the topic that would prevent the need to lock a thread.
I want everyone named Pleik...
Accepting an admitted cheater (booted from phd for same) into your guild and then promoting his activities by trading for the product of his ill-gotten gains and proudly posting it repeatedly.
Pretty nauseating from someone who tries to portray this squeaky clean i-want-whats-best-for-everyone persona.
Time to get over yourself, face reality and accept what you really are? Hmm?
I don't know why you keep bringing up some kind of personal problem with other users but stop derailing threads and stick to the topic. Thanks.
Well, everybody went off topic immediately, even though Dadan asked not to
But I'd be interested if you or any other mod could expand a bit and answer the original question. Have you given any thought recently about what kind of board you want Legacy to be?
There are users who don't mind bots and there are users who do mind, so will you consider removing/adding any forum rules (you have changed rules before, it's possible) if there is a wish for it from users? Not taking action is also a statement, and Dadan's fears that Legacy will simply turn into a market for botted items may even come true. I can't really believe you are OK with that (extreme) scenario, because why then would you have created all the other subforums like q&a, farming, builds, etc.? I'm not criticising one side or the other, but just honestly interested in how the legacy team thinks about it
This is my own opinion but does factor in being a Moderator and on the Legacy Team, but I don't speak for the entire Team:
It's of course been the subject of discussion. I'm sure that's the case since fan forums existed. As has been mentioned botting occured in GW since the early days and I'm sure those items made their way through to trade forums.
I'm sure most are aware that it's possible there are many threads on Legacy now and in the past that have probably contained items sourced through botting, this isn't the first aleged case.
The current forum rules (carried over from GWGuru) don't explicitly prevent this kind of content on the forum, and as a recent post mentioned we don't enforce what happens in-game, that's up to ArenaNet.
These kind of things can be incredibly difficult to prove and while I realise some threads/items are likely a lot more obvious than others it is simpler for moderators and posters to follow existing rules.
I say I'm interested in the discussion because feedback/suggestions from the users and community is always good to have. We're always open for discusion on what could be improved with the rules and with the forum.
So far from this thread it seems to be quite mixed and a good debate.
edit1: For transparency I should probably say that I did trade from the thread when it was first posted, I either hadn't clocked/subcontiously didn't care at the source of the items at the time. That isn't a support of botting by me or Legacy.
Before someone comes in and says that it's allowed for this reason.
No Legacy rules are broken so no action necessary.
Interested to see what people think.
the 20e was for another PC that I posted before, but idk how to delete it :$
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
12. Price check threads.
If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.
They will also explain how to close a thread.
It shouldn't be. I would merch.
10AL is well below the max for requirement 6 (which is 14AL).
Reduction while Hexed isn't in demand for this kind of shield.
You get more benefits running the DoA Unique/Green shield over this and skin isn't that special.
q8 - 16
q7 - 15
q6 - 14
This is noted in the Wiki page for Shield: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shield#Notes
> The maximum AR of shields will always be eight more than the attribute requirement, up to a maximum of 16. For example, the maximum AR for requirement 5 shields is 13.
Once again please keep this thread on topic.
If you want to price check an item, make a Price Check thread so the discussion can happen in the correct place.
edit: Thread cleared up.
Great to hear it. There is definitely a very big German playerbase - possibly the biggest in Europe. In case you weren't aware there is a German Fan Forum for GW and GW2 at : https://wartower.de/forum/
Yes the Discord https://discord.gg/gw is active and Guilds advertise here too, you can also find them in-game.
I hope you enjoy and good luck on your in-game adventures!
Please keep in mind that this is an English language forum:
Forum Rules Use English
The only language that is being supported on Legacy - in order to allow for easier communication - is English. Don't engage in practices like using leet-speak or try to make text hard to read.
Don't use all capitals, don't use a ton of punctuation marks.
To answer based on a Google translate.
The game is still fairly active but if you are wanting to play everything with other people you will need to arrange that or find a very active Guild/Alliance.
To just play through from the start you should expect to play some of it yourself, although you will see and play with others. The addition of 7 Heroes for PvE has made this much easier to manage for player to play alone.
Asking on a GW forum if the game is worh it is always going to be slightly biased. There is also a reddit thread about game activity in 2021: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/co…d_wars_in_2021/
If you do decide to play I hope you enjoy!
it is down, yes. Jon the host/ developer is aware.
Sun and Moon Shield req2 Ar10 Tactics Blue - 1a
Sun and Moon Shield req4 Ar12 Tactics Purple - 1a
Wooden Buckler req2 Ar10 Tactics Blue - 1a
edit: Thank you for the trade.
I've had to disable a bunch of posts in this thread that were off topic.
This is not a thread to discuss/rant about how people conduct trades or get items, it's supposed to be for sharing interesting drops/finds/acquisitions.
Please stick to the topic.
No value in it any more unless you get really lucky and find a collector or someone that really wants one and doesn't want to farm for it.
Greens like that are usually given away these days.
Hi Sioups
It looks like you are using code formatting.
This is normally only activated by pressing this icon in the post editing toolbar.
If you make a reply to this and don't use any of the icons then it should not apply any formatting.
Only other thing would be if you are copying and pasting your text from another source maybe.
Hope that helps.
Your profession doesn't effect any drop that you get in the game.
Don't have time to update/start new yet so I'll give this another bump for now.
@ardunain and 6chdirect I have you on friends list - I'm usually on evening GMT so will try and catch you.
Any bids will be accepted as soon as I can trade!
Q0 Spiked Targe blue ins r/b 50e
r/b for me. Ty.
edit: thanks very much for trade!
I have Urgoz's Longbow. Withdrawn then. No problem!
Spear Crippling [1k]
I will take this please.
Trying to contact everyone. All bids are accepted just a case of catching you in-game.
Cash, hGt I've added you to Friends List.
6chdirect not sure on your IGN, drop me a forum Message or edit your post.
last bump or two for everything else.
Thanks for offers. Post updated.
I'll be on at the weekend to contact people for trades or put r/b.
The team behind https://kamadan.gwtoolbox.com/ already have tools that make use of reading the in-game text. It is probably harder for specific item dropped info like requirement as it would need to be able to get the ID of the item that dropped and this isn't stored as part of chat.
Their Discord server is: https://discord.gg/pGS5pFn I would suggest to join and discuss with the devs what's possible, they have a lot of experience with what data is available from the game and what isn't.
Not only can the GWCA API read the Kamadan text to output to the website, but some other examples: Toolbox can read in-game text and remove it from your chat window, can take external text and put it into your chat window.
Thanks for offers. Post updated.
But don't always trust the English Wiki, sometimes the mod order is just wrong. On Jayne for example the the wiki say : HSR / HCT prot when the real mod order is HCT prot/HSR. For Illyana staff the Wiki list +15 energy when it's in fact +10e +5e.
The English wiki isn't reliable when it comes to the HCT/HSR order, you can try to use the german wiki that has screenshot instead of text. For example german Galigord stone staff.
Hopefully someone will update the wiki if the information could be improved.
Hi, some non-inscribable items for sale.
Will see how 1. goes, everything else will be sold/meched by end of the week.
Thanks for offers.
1. Eternal Shield req9 Strength, +10vs Undead, -2wEnchant, 296g | s/b - 50e | sold 15a sirloops
2. Eternal Shield q9 Strength, Smiting Prayers +1 20%, +9vs Undead, 300g | s/b - 1e | sold 100e Cloud Strife
3. Exalted Aegis q12 Tactics, Health +29, Healing Prayers +1 20%, 264g | s/b - 1k | sold 1a hGt
4. Zodiac Shield q12 Strength, -2wEnchant, Reduces Weakness 20%, 300g | s/b - 1e
5. Hand Axe (Tyrian) q9, +15% stance, 236g | s/b - 1e
6. Spiked Axe q9, 15% over 50, 292g | s/b - 1e | c/o 1e ardunain
7. Shadow Blade q9, 15% enchanted, 224g | s/b - 1e
8. Zodiac Sword q9, 20% while Hexed, 380g | s/b - 1e | sold 20e Cash
9. Zodiac Sword q9, 15% vs Hexed, 208g | s/b - 1e
10. Zodiac Hammer q9, +5 Energy, 208g | s/b - 1e | sold 1e 6chdirect
11. Hornbow (Dragon) q9, +5 Energy, 272g | s/b - 1e
12. Hornbow (Mursaat) q11, +15 stance, 228g | s/b - 1k
13. Air Staff (Lightning Spire) q9 Air, CLEAN, 304g | s/b - 1k
14. Celestial Staff q9 Curses, HCT 10%, 392g | s/b - 1e | sold 5e Cash
15. Holy Staff q10 Divine, HCT 10%, 192g | s/b - 1k
16. Zodiac Staff q9 Fire, Reduces Cripple 20%, 344g | s/b - 1k
17. Zodiac Staff q9 Fire, HCT Water 20%, 228g | s/b - 1k
18. Zodiac Staff q9 Blood, CLEAN, 312g | s/b - 1k
19. Bramble Recurve q9, 15% vs Hexed, 344g | s/b - 1k | sold 1e Cash
What builds are you using? With Heroes too.
If could have farmed Halloween Quest Every Bit Helps https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Every_Bit_Helps but Halloween is almost over.
10K XP repeatable quest.
Thanks to someone on Reddit:
1,337,000xp ÷ 10,000xp per reward = 133.7 times of turning in quest. Round up because you can't turn in .7 of a quest. Multiple by 3 because it requires 3 per quest. = 402 Mobstoppers.
80 runs in 30mins
Under 3hrs for enough Mobstoppers for maxing the title.
I'm not sure if that price-check took into account that it's a Pre-Searing item.
I don't know if we have any experts in price-checking Pre items here, it tends to be more focused on items from the rest of the game.
I'd suggest checking the Pre forum and Discord both can be found via: https://www.presearing.com/
offer 3e for both.
edit: thanks for trade.
q9s with max mods are always worth listing, can start at low price and see where it goes: 1,2,8,9,10,15,16,23, 24,25.
Someone will probably buy 6.
I'd merch all the daggers, and 18.
Naga bows can go for a bit, Enchant mod isn't nice for general PvE but as a longbow someone doing SOO may want it.
Focuii are probably merch too.
As always someone else can probably give good idea too so wait for more PC.
Also please read the Xunlai Rules.
12. Price check threads.
If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.
The Rune does not need to be put on the piece of armor based on the body part you are trying to protect, no...
Blind can go anywhere, Cripple can go anywhere. These will effect your entire character.
It is often suggested to put on feet/hands/head:
1) if you're armor swapping for different uses they're the cheapest pieces or you're swapping your +attribute headpiece for a specific build that needs that Rune/Insignia.
2) armor is calculated by % of which piece would be hit with body->legs->head/arms/feet last.
3) asthetics of how you like your armor to be setup, if you want to keep for example Chaos Gloves but change the rest of your armor then you could put the most useful/wanted/expensive upgrades for your build on the gloves.
You mean a Message you've received on the forum from a nother user?
You can use the Report function of the forum, but also please get screenshots of Messages and open a Message conversation with a Moderator as the contents of the Messages aren't shown in a report.
Awesome idea and execution!
Did you learn anything new for Pre/Levelling or was it just using knowledge from LDoA runs?
bsoltan wich discord would that be? I can make a Post there but still am Interessted in to see if that even is a thing for the wide mass/larger group of players and not suggesting a feature that only a handful players would like, that seems selfish to me and maybe won't be as heard from the devs like a topic that maybe has a number of posts, viewers and Interessted Players that I can reference to when getting into dialog with them
It is linked on the gwtoolbox main site