Posts by Looney

    I believe it's better because of the easy and faster run compared to others.
    But I think the higher key value chests do since it has to be in NM. I don't think q8s drop from HM.

    I didn't mean those low level areas locked chests drop q8 just that they seem to drop a lower req (ie. q9-11 average) more often than elsewhere (ie q10-12 average) probably due to average foe level. I think it was Luny who pointed it out to me. She was a good source of drop research and statistics to me.

    Thanks Pleikki and Kairi for your input, glad I'm not crazy.

    (well maybe a little)

    Am I correct that any chest with the same key value can drop a q8 rarely?
    Such as Elonian Chests in Crystal Desert and Kournan Chests in NF?

    I know I once got a q8ar16 plagueborn shield from a canthan chest in undercity, pogmei is a q8 option but are the chances higher than other canthan chests elsewhere or is it just 'better' because it's an easy chest run?

    I always thought same named chests mostly had the same 'level', the only real exception being locked chests on shing jea island and istan (starter areas).

    Yeah, it's getting only getting worse and worse with new bot sellers and more website spam. I never used 3rd party programs, even ones anet said were ok like multiloaders and texmod. This current crop of cow patties is really making me reconsider that decision. If they can openly sell ectos, arms, and other items, it's kinda obvious toolbox as a chat filter probably won't matter because anet just plain gave up / doesn't care.

    Hello again fellow chest runners,

    I decided to post another zone I enjoy running in. I like Gyala Hatchery (explorable) for a couple reasons. It has a very good variation of foes, and therefore a good variation of chest loot. It is also relatively easy to run in in both NM and HM, except the 'maze' on the east side which the map ignores, due to there usually being a somewhat clear path between patrols. The most annoying part about the zone is disenchants and stance removal, mostly by the Creeping Carp. The Outcast in the zone are not too bad however their warriors carry a group IMS, the elite skill "Charge!", so they tend to chase you for a while.

    On the map I color coded most chest locations as to what items other than plain Jade Sea drops they can have. In the fishy and Outcast areas where there is quite a large # of possible locations so I didn't mark them. I probably missed a few possible Naga chest spots as well. Also, since the Outcast and fishy patrols overlap it is sometimes hard to tell which group the chest is 'bound' to. The same is true along where fish overlap Naga and also the 3 northernmost Oni chests with nearby Naga groups.

    Orange = Outcast
    Aqua = Fish / Leviathans
    Blue = Naga
    Hot Pink = Oni
    Lime = Plain Jade Sea only

    The aqua area that is highlighted contains the highest concentration of fish and therefore the best chance for Jellyfish Wands in the zone, most of the Creeping Carp are there. The rest of the aqua areas mostly contain Leviathans which don't drop Jellyfish Wands, there are a few Irukandji and Scuttle Fish so it is still possible to get one. Outcast chests have the possibility of Outcast Staves/Shields. Naga chests have a chance of Naga Bows. Honestly, there is too much to list as nearly every possible Jade Sea drop can drop somewhere in Gyala, with the exclusion of Deep only drops.


    (BTW, I'm partially colorblind in case you can't tell by my color choices lol)

    The last 'employee' I saw was someone on as gaile gray's self named ranger in kama aed1 a few months ago. It wasn't actually her as her account had been hacked (supposedly it's restored now). Whoever it was used her special text color so it was definitely her account. The best part of that day was the person using the account figured out enough of the gm commands to mute all the gold sellers. They tried to figure out a ban command with no luck, the command was either disabled or they weren't using the correct command syntax.

    I think I have a few screenshots of some of it all. If anyone who wasn't there wants to see them I can upload them somewhere and send links.

    It isn't the most glamorous collection...

    There is no gold or pre-nerf items...

    Here is the one group of items I have that could be considered a collection.


    The 'Best' N00b-Land Has to Offer.

    LOL :D

    (I am always interested in acquiring new additions be it through trades or donations.)

    Tower Shield was from ChucKst0r

    Copperleaf was from JulioGuru

    A couple were from BigRed a while back iirc

    Ebonhand was from someone IG (I forget who)

    I think I'm forgetting someone else who I got one from so sorry if it's you.

    The rest were donated by the estate of many dead creatures / corsairs.

    Dragon Spire Staff salvage the mods from it then merch or salv the staff (its iron or dust)
    (this is just my opinion, I hate that staff, but it isn't very rare and drops from vaettir)

    Mursaat Hammer idk

    Q9 15wS Colossal Pick, I see Colossal Picks going for weird prices in the past few months so best guess is 5-25e. It all depends on finding the right person.

    :( Either I'm doing it wrong or the wayback machine doesn't have an archive of the relevant page of the beloved collections thread. TBH finding the old image would be helpful, but it's more just me being lazy. I still have all the items that were in the image plus a few I wanted to add to that image. It probably is gone since it was anon on imgur or tinypic. I guess I'll just have to see if I backed up my screenshots somewhere or take a bunch of new ones and start over on a new version.

    I'll post there since Kevin did not answer to my PM :

    Any guru thread with the symbol "%" in his name makes an error : 400 bad request (because there are % in the link)

    any chance to fix that please ?

    thanks for the work"

    I'm not staff or a mod but everything seems to work for me. What browser are you using?
    Images like…nsc%20staff.JPG work for me
    So do threads like…exist_.017.html

    %20 is a space, %27 is ' etc

    Which threads with % in the name are you referring to? I've been looking thru the archive for a while and can't seem to find % as a text character in a thread title, can you point out where to look so I can check if I get the error too?

    Edit just found 02942 The minus 60% DP coffee mug.001.html but it works for me as well.
    Why I actually came here

    I'm wondering if there is a way to pull the url of where an image was hosted out of a post in the archive? I had a collection on there but the image was hosted elsewhere so it wasn't saved and is just a broken image. I can't remember where I had it hosted and I lost the original image so pulling the link out of the img bbcode would help. Is the only way viewing the html source?

    Edit: Marty provided the link to a page of the old Chestrunners Thread. I pulled the maps from some posts and made an album on imgur. Most are from a post by Glorg from 2012. He saved them from other earlier posts in the thread. They are still available on in his post but I decided saving them and posting them elsewhere too might be wise. Many of the maps are in French, some are in English, you can probably figure out where they are just by how the area looks.

    -------------------ORIGINAL POST BELOW--------------------

    I don't know if anyone will like the topic but here goes...

    Mine is in Raisu Palace (explorable) leaving from Imperial Sanctum. I do it in NM and HM. Drops include Forbidden Staves, Oni Weapons, and best of all NO salvageable armor drops. I guess maybe Shiroken don't wear pants. Map shows my usual route, it does change depending on where chests are. The green dots are possible chest locations in range of the marked route that you can see by holding the alt key in game. (I may have missed a couple dots)


    Sorry about posting on an old topic...

    I've often debated on a support request along the lines of...

    "My ignore list is broken. How do I ignore all the RMT websites and bot sellers with only 10 spots in the ignore list?"

    I'm sure such a request would be ignored/deleted but I think it would actually fit in accnt/tech support.

    I am strictly PvE, I don't even do FA or JQ (why bother nowadays anyway)

    I do have one alt account. It was my pre storage at first but it has all campaigns and eotn now.

    My favorite game is Factions, I chest run there when I get bored irl.

    What is Meta? My builds are an odd mix of stuff I like. No team is complete without ion cannons, at least two at all times and often more lol

    I have done LDoA before but recently no new Proph characters, the most recent ones were mules smuggling GotHs when I used to visit Nick a lot. I do have a few perma-pre characters.

    I have gotten a Drok's run or Docks ferry in the past. Now I'm more likely to be running someone else there or around the southern shiverpeaks to elite armor spots, eotn tours and docks ferrys.

    Honestly, I really don't do missions much, my game 'progression' has pretty much stopped.Sometimes I do the zm if it's one I like and I'm bored. I've never done a speed clear either.

    I never wipe on purpose, it's fun to watch the one with rez scramble around.

    I don't use cons, I salvage stuff from chest drops and craft cons to sell sometimes.

    I usually play alone, but I'm not against playing with others. I sometimes party with friends if they are on. Mostly I chestrun/farm for items I'm looking for. Since I don't run meta builds most PUGs don't include me, though my odd character builds are sometimes good for a laugh.

    "Hey join us we need a monk"

    "Ok, but I suck as a healer..."

    "That's ok we should be fine it's an easy dungeon."

    "Ummm... ok, but I warned you ;P"

    "WTF?!" 'Ivan is using Ray of Judgement'

    Lol PUG life.

    vs q11 I see many selling/ buying at around 150e decltype is probably best for current prices on those

    Q10 20/20 core skin air staff is okish, maybe a few ectos but a hard sell since q10 and a usually unloved skin. I'd give it to vekk because he's an airhead X(

    q9 15^50 plagueborn sword I agree with ~50e. Plague items are pretty easy to chestrun outside KC or Vizunah (local) Swords don't drop as much as some other plague items imo, but both those runs are a chest every 1-2 min.

    q9 Divine Symbol isn't merchfood imo, but idk abt a price. It's the chalice skin which imo is more uncommon than the loop one. Yes its mixed df req with hsr smiting but that isn't too bad, +5v phys isn't too bad either. Don't merch it until someone who knows foci gives an estimate.

    I'll keep it relatively short.

    I bought it shortly after release and played fora while but got bored and missed the stuff that made gw special. (Many have mentioned that stuff)

    After a while I tried it again with an ex guildmate but lost interest when she stopped playing. (Not going into why she stopped, I still miss her)

    Another friend started playing gw2 and convinced me to buy HoT. He ragequit after support refused to help with a gem store purchase he regretted. (Not saying support was wrong it was a 'consumable' item... u buy a glider skin and consume the item you get to unlock it) He quit both games gw2 and gw.

    The only reason I have logged in since then is once in a while to chat with ppl who don't play gw anymore, and even that is getting less likely with every large update I would need to do just to chat.

    So yes, I bought that game twice, but I'm not pleased I did.

    idk but...
    If you are really that bored wouldn't trying to figure out our in-game names pass some time?

    (I was organizing minis in pre the other day as kuuna right in front of you ;P )

    (/doh you found me lucky charms! I suppose adding a sig w/ my names and posting somewhere wasn't hard to find :haha: )


    Hi, I'm looking for a price check on an EL Kuuna tonic in Presearing.

    Prices in Pre Black Dyes and also Post Ectos/Arms would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance, Looney

    Idk if I'm going to sell it in the future or not so please no PM offers at this time.

    TY for the price checks

    I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this under.

    Basically I'm looking for info about the proper syntax to perform searches with multiple keywords. Like how would someone search for "req 9 oni blade" and have results that only include req 9 oni blades?

    That isn't really what I want to search for, but, it's an ok example I think.

    Does search use boolean modifiers or something to signify 'and'? Is the search case sensitive?

    Any help would be appreciated. :)