Hello Vivian ! Tyvm for your info ! ^^(Long Sword Req 7)
IGN Aldar Galad.
Hi Pleikki Do you by chance have an OS q8 perfect +5e 20enchant zodiac sword?
hello bo bladed q9 tac?
hey, keep missing you in game. next time you hop on, lemme know what you want for q19 and q26. thx! also, are you planning on buying out those zodiac daggers? if youre not, i probably will but wanted to check with you first.
yo do you know the ingame name of Keitax? He closed his OS shield thread.
100A Q7 fds
b/o bo fire plz
Stone Summit Shield (q12, +45/-2ench)
I think I have this shield for u I will check my char
wow theres a q9 DF zodiac 20./20 prot fs