q8 OS Collections
Tombs, second level, second room, grasp of insanity, r8 15ench battlepick.
My second was in Teinai’s room in tahnnakai temple, r8 15 -5e plagueborn maul from an afflicted warrior.
Started playing in late 06 so chances weren't as good for me but I don't think I actually got my first max q8 until just over a year ago.
q8/16 skull shield -2stance single mod from a lvl 17 devourer in sage lands, right outside druid's overlook while farming carapaces for nick.
Mayyybe I got one back in the day but might not have been knowledgeable enough to think anything of it.
I’ve had 4 to date, incl. the above pair. My 3rd didn’t drop until WiK (4 years later!!!) from a white mantle on the Falken run in watchtower coast (jewelled chalice +41hp ench single mod). My last was a r8 divine symbol from salt flats chest - the only time I have actively farmed for r8s! - with single mod 19% HSR smite.