PC on q8 OS weapons + random caster items

  • Hello, I returned to the game about month ago to adventure with my friends/guildies who told me about this website.

    I need a pricecheck on some of my OS items because I suspect people have tried to take advantage of my ignorance since I can't get a pricecheck from spamadan chat history.

    (Items are decidedly NOT for sale, but I'm curious about their value anyway; be it a lot of platinum or just plain merch food.)

    Thanks in advance!

    req 8 items:

    Golden Phoenix Blade

    req 8 swordsmanship


    Dadao Sword

    req 8 swordsmanship


    Feathered Longbow

    req 8 marksman

    +15% stance

    Zodiac Shield

    req 8 tactics

    +45 while enchanted

    +1 illusion 19%

    caster items:

    Zodiac Staff

    req 9 air

    20% HCT air

    Winged Staff

    req 9 smite

    20% HCT prot

    Eerie Staff

    req 10 communing

    20% HCT channelling

    Outcast Staff

    req 9 earth

    20% HCT healing

    Plaugeborn Focus

    req 12 spawning

    armor+5 while health^50%

    +1 Communing 20%

  • position 1-5 are very valueable - do not sell in a hurry to any pms even if the offer seems extraordinarily high to you. IF you'd consider selling these definitely take your time to look around and get different offers, ideally put for auction.

    Bit more specific:

    Golden phoenix 10-20a

    Dadao very much 100a++

    Feathered longbow 5-15a

    Zodiac shield 5a+

    Zodiac staff 20a?!

    Winged staff 15e

    Eerie staff merch

    Outcast staff merch-5e

    Plag focus merch

    Wait for more opinions on the first few - I am relatively uncertain and just tried giving a rough estimate.

    Just in cas you are unfamiliar after all the time:

    1a = armbrace of truth = 50-60e depending on the time

    1e = glob of ectoplasm = 8-10k

    1k = platinum

    Check kamadan chat for the current rates especially for armbrace to ecto.

    Hope it helps :)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Arms are selling for 80+ ectos

    Last time I checked ectos ( last week) were 15k

    Id agree the R8 items are nice and should fetch some xx arms

    The Dadao will be interesting to see that price at auction, xxx arms

    If you decide to put the Feathered Longbow up , I'd be interested in bidding.

    IGN Rogue Monks Bane

    Edited once, last by Forty Second Rogue (August 10, 2021 at 11:40 PM).

  • bsoltan September 10, 2021 at 12:12 AM

    Closed the thread.