Hello, I returned to the game about month ago to adventure with my friends/guildies who told me about this website.
I need a pricecheck on some of my OS items because I suspect people have tried to take advantage of my ignorance since I can't get a pricecheck from spamadan chat history.
(Items are decidedly NOT for sale, but I'm curious about their value anyway; be it a lot of platinum or just plain merch food.)
Thanks in advance!
req 8 items:
Golden Phoenix Blade
req 8 swordsmanship
Dadao Sword
req 8 swordsmanship
Feathered Longbow
req 8 marksman
+15% stance
Zodiac Shield
req 8 tactics
+45 while enchanted
+1 illusion 19%
caster items:
Zodiac Staff
req 9 air
20% HCT air
Winged Staff
req 9 smite
20% HCT prot
Eerie Staff
req 10 communing
20% HCT channelling
Outcast Staff
req 9 earth
20% HCT healing
Plaugeborn Focus
req 12 spawning
armor+5 while health^50%
+1 Communing 20%