still active, Saturday and Sunday, 15:30/16:00 USA eastern, 21:30/22:00 mainland Europe (west part)
Fort Aspenwood
I find the lack of builds on this builds thread to be grievously upsetting )= anyone got any good builds for FA?
- Official Post
Thanks - do yo know how up-to-date any of these builds are? I'm quite wary of build wikis, having found a great deal of rubbish on them in the past...
- Official Post
I can't personally vouch for them, but there haven't been any skill updates in four years. If there's something to be concerned about it's how optimal the builds were in the first place. At worst, they'll be a bit outdated. You can always try one and tweak things afterward if you feel the need. Don't forget the output of a build is also dependent on how well you play it too, especially in PvP.
)= why can't PvP be full of OP brainless skills like PvE? xD
I can't personally vouch for them, but there haven't been any skill updates in four years. If there's something to be concerned about it's how optimal the builds were in the first place. At worst, they'll be a bit outdated. You can always try one and tweak things afterward if you feel the need. Don't forget the output of a build is also dependent on how well you play it too, especially in PvP.Exactly. I like to use them to get used to things, then I tweak them to make them work better for me. pvx templates/builds are a great starting point, but what works great for one person might be rubbish for someone else. I even tried the Contagion bomber in JQ to get a feel for how the bots work (and what makes them not work so well
The greatest enjoyment for me is when I make my own and it actually works lol (Dazing Para might not sound like the best choice for JQ but it's so much fun!- those ele bots can HURT!). I never feel that great playing a 'cookie cutter' build (unless I have played around with it, and decided that it really does work best for me).
)= why can't PvP be full of OP brainless skills like PvE? xDBecause it's full of OP brainless bots? (Burn those ele bots!) Haha!
Just take whatever build you're comfortable with into JQ and play around / tweak till you find what works / what's fun for you
fort aspenwood is less linear than some places, one can make lots of builds work, but a speed boost is very useful. as others have said, use what you like, and tweak it as your play style evolves. i think the choices you make are more important than the build, brains over build in essence