Hey friends !
I am not the owner but I'm wondering how much a q9 curse 20/20 outcast staff could get ?
Let's pretend it is 400GV ;D (if it changes anything).
Thanks for the help !
Hey friends !
I am not the owner but I'm wondering how much a q9 curse 20/20 outcast staff could get ?
Let's pretend it is 400GV ;D (if it changes anything).
Thanks for the help !
100a + if 400g
Joke aside: I bought similar pieces for around 5a+ I have like 2 or 3 : q9 20/20 X00g outcast Staffs.
At the end the normal bla bla bla :
Only auction Can tell. No one knows a thing about prices. Price check thread is useless. Mimimi. Mods close please. No one gets helped here. Blub Blub Blub