Price Check on a few stackables!

  • Hello! I have not played in a very long time and I was wanting to make some plat where I can. I have a bank tab full of some stuff that I was wondering what it's worth even is. Any advice on what to sell for would be greatly appreciated!

  • I would throw the first 3.

    Use pcons for yourself (most valuable is the cupcakes, you might be able to sell it for 1e)

    You won't get nothing from the tonics.

    The uw/fow scrolls are worth a bit, ppl are buying it.

    If the trophy are Kournan Pendants, wait a few weeks, it's gonna be a nickset (you will be able to sell them 3-5e for 15 of them)

  • If the trophy are Kournan Pendants, wait a few weeks, it's gonna be a nickset (you will be able to sell them 3-5e for 15 of them)

    Kournan pendants are common rarity, but here you can see the purple background on these so they should be wayfarer's marks.

    Edit: right wayfarer's event is still reoccuring so they can be used then.

    IGN: Zes Excelsior / Zescitus Nivalis / Tragic Mick

    Edited once, last by Zes (December 26, 2021 at 10:00 AM).

  • Indeed, it seems like only UW scrolls can be sold. You can check on Kamadan Trade Chat for prices. Look for UW scrolls or Underworld scrolls. Unless these are FOW scrolls. In any case, even if you would sell 1k per scroll, it would still give you some ectos. May be able to sell for higher.

    As for Wayfer's marks, you'll have to wait until Wayfer's Reverie in August, and then people will buy a stack for 1-2e or a bit more, or at least that what is possible to see from Kamadan Trade chat.

    And yep, leave the pcons for yourself. 😉

  • bsoltan January 27, 2022 at 12:00 AM

    Closed the thread.