OS including q9 Plagueborn Shield +30hp +10vs demons | q9 Eternal Shield +29hp -2/ench
- q9 Golden Chalice +5 armor vs elemental & +45hp/ench
Magma q10 +30 -3wh 100e
Magmas q10 +30/-3 125e
- q11 tactics Skeleton Shield +43hp/stance and +10armor vs Undead
- q13 strength Eternal Shield +1/19% Blood Magic and -2dmg/ench
Added couple of q9 +30hp +10 armor Shields including Plagueborn demon Shield
Wojciech Michalak
January 18, 2024 at 2:03 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS from organic farm including Magmas, SWS, SSS” to “OS from organic farm NEW q9 +30hp +10ar. Shields!”. -
Crude charr 5a
Skeleton undead 50e
crude vs charr- 8a
crude vs piercing - 5a
Crude charr 10a
Crude Charr - 20a
Crude Piercing - 10a
crude vs piercing- 15a
Dragon Tall Shield 2a
IGN : Palat In -
Charr Crude 21a
crude vs charr- 22a
Crude Charr - 30a
Crude Piercing - 20a
10a plague
Crude Charr - 30a
Crude Piercing - 25a
crude charr 35a
crude piercing 26a
Crude Charr - 40a
Crude Piercing - 30a
bump, b/o on the crudes soon
crude piercing 31a
added b/o for the Crude Shields
B/o charr crude
Piercing crude - 35a
piercing crude 36a
Edit: just read the b/o for both crudes: b/o on both
11a plague
Plagueborn Q9 Str : 12a
Defender : 5a
Tall : 4a
Aegis : 3a
SSS : 3a
Magma : 3a
Have fun
IG : Reine Mathilde