W2. 5e
F3. 15e
B2. 5e
D7. 5e
W2. 5e
F3. 15e
B2. 5e
D7. 5e
F3. 30e
01/03/2022 new added:
- SH1,2,3 - new Plague Shields
- W4 - q12 Dom Cane 10/10
- F5,6
- A5,A6 - 20/20 staves
- B6-B9 - 20/10 Plague Staves
- E1 - Demonic Summoning Stones stk
sold items removed
C/O's updated
happy bidding
F4 - 30e
bumpy bump
sh6 10e
Up, added couple perf shields including this fresh deepy cutie
Also: There are new numbers assigned to items so old bids dont matter
250e exalted
SoTW Hex 25e
3a sh1
4a sh1
5a sh1
10a sh1
12a sh1
15a -_- sh1
Thanks for bids on exalted, gonna sell in 48hrs if no more bids occur. New bid will prolongate selling time.
Miles hexy SotW is yours, Im happy with the bid, lets meet in game.
adding next shield from Deepin'
and this guy also
last bump before selling exalted (24hrs left)
16a Sh1
7,5hrs until Exalted will be sold (24hrs after last bid) c/o 16a Urgoz
hexy SotW sold
adding new Wayward Wands: (WWW)
Exalted sold
W4 30e
w3 - 5e
added heal bo and zodiac
Waywards will be sold in 24hrs
MarkTheAmFah Jodel_GW you can catch me for Wayward
DV bo staff -> 3a
Thanks olaf!
SoTW Hex 100e