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    If this is the wrong board for this please move, I'm known to be dumb

    Seeing as my career has been put on hold for another year I have decided to get back into the game, however with a lack of goals currently I find myself sitting in Kamadan or GToB with no motivation to do anything. That being said, I'm posting to see how interested people would be in having video guides for every vanquish/mission/cartography spot for Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall? I would make the series for all 10 professions if I see enough interest, however I would need some serious help with the background tasks of said videos as I have 0 experience with video capture, editing, etc. If I see enough interest in this sort of thing, please post here or link this thread to other sources.

    If enough interest is shown or if enough people are willing to help, I will start making plans right away. Thanks for your time everybody!

    EDIT- Also, if anybody could link this to the FB groups that would be awesome as I don't have a FB account anymore. Thanks!

    Edited once, last by Lord Asakurra (June 19, 2016 at 10:39 PM).

    • Official Post

    What exactly would these guides contain? Combat can't really be a selling point because with the buffet of grossly overpowered build options available the game mostly beats itself. Ironically normal mode (assuming no heroes or pve skills) ends up being much harder than hard mode. Cartography is only tricky for a couple of spots per campaign and there's enough leeway that they're irrelevant. TexMod and individual questions about specific points cover carto troubles well enough that I don't see where this would go. Missions would just end up being a lets play.

  • As someone who does only play with henchmen and no heroes in normal mode, I can confirm it's tricky by yourself! I feel as though there are plenty of HM videos/playthroughs out there already. You would probably have to offer more specific commentary to really aid people in their missions- eg. how to manage mob X, any tricks or things are aren't inherently obvious in missions that are useful, good positions, etc. This style is better for newer/inexperienced players- a lot of seasoned players will probably know most of the tricks. I feel these kind of videos should have to have information relevant to both sides of the spectrum. Much of the mission advice would be transferable across all classes and builds as well, I don't think you'd have to make 10 videos per mission, that's probably just making extra work for yourself!

    Speaking for myself, I'm relatively experienced in Factions missions and have some EotN experience, but I'm lacking the detailed mission knowledge from Nightfall and Prophecies. I'd probably find extra advice in these campaigns the most useful!

    Hope my input helps!

  • Making videos of clearing HM dungeons/elite areas with only heroes might be a better way to get viewers. You could capture your adventures live while broadcasting it on twitch or youtube. In this way you'd get instant feedback from people who are watching

    Accompany me into the deepest of dungeons.

  • a lot of seasoned players will probably know most of the tricks

    Unless you're talking about general simple stuff like how to flag heroes or avoid aggroing patrols, I think you're overly optimistic. There is a startling amount of ignorance among people who have been playing the game for years - even the more skilled players can lack a lot of knowledge. With that in mind, please please please make sure anything you say in your guides is CORRECT. It's fair enough to miss something out, but presenting misinformation as authoritative is actually a real problem.

  • Well, missions might turn into a Let's Play seeing as there is a plethora of guides and tips available for those. The one area I was mainly thinking about was vanquishes- I know some very efficient routes for a lot of the longer, more painstaking areas of each campaign that I know a lot of people overlook.

    On the unnecessity of multiple classes, I figured I could incorporate certain mechanics the game had before the 7-hero team builds became a thing, such as only using henchmen for prophecies/factions, using only 3 heroes for Nightfall, etc. to give those who don't have access to the mercenary packs some sort of reference when they're playing.

    I would have to disagree with you though, Marty, as a lot of players (from playing with a vast amount of people over 10 years) attempt to rush certain areas and find themselves wiping constantly without understanding hero AI or how to control heroes without flagging them. Pointing out certain mob types to set as a priority in fights is something I haven't seen in a lot of guides other than your average speed clear guide.

    On the cartography note, I know there are a lot of situations where players are having to run back through certain areas of the map to fully uncover certain slivers when they can be uncovered by simply approaching that section of the map a different way. I know I don't know EVERY golden spot, but I do know the basics of preventing those troublesome slivers from appearing.

    Just some responses to some of the stuff I've seen you guys write so far, the feedback is definitely helping me figure out what to focus on and what not to, though!

    FYI, streaming would be ideal before making those guides, however I'm not sure my upload speed would be enough to stream quality gameplay. Current SpeedTest report says my upload peaks at 6.5mb/s and hovers ~3.5mb/s. If anybody knows a way to optimize that without handing extra dough over to my somewhat slacking cable provider (fiber not available in my area) then I could see about setting up OBS to stream.

    Again, I appreciate the feedback from just two days of this thread sitting here!

  • I would always be interested in seeing more GW footage. As Misty said, there are a lot of players out there that don't know the finer points of a few things. I've been playing the game since day 1 but still have not played the elite areas, or done much in Hard Mode, so walkthroughs and tips and tricks would be idea to get an overview of what I need to do in some areas, especially when I am ready to start going through them.