Weekly bump (Nothing interesting)
WTB q9 insc Bone Idol & Wailing Wand (curses), Shadow Blade
Weekly bump (I'm yawning)
Weekly bump (comfy in bed)
Weekly bump (returning from a concert)
Weekly bump (had a wonderful wedding yesterday)
Weekly bump (still in bed)
Weekly bump (playing Darktide)
Weekly bump (holidays!)
Weekly bump (merry christmas!)
Weekly bump (happy new year!)
Weekly bump (man, I've been looking for quite a while)
i've got a q9 insc dwarven axe, probably got caster mods on it iirc, would 3e be ok?
Weekly bump (thanks for the axe Looney!)
Weekly bump (zzz)
After 46 bumps over 302 days, I have found my staff and was able to purchase it from the amazing Lily, who reached out knowing I was looking for one.
And so the main purpose of this thread comes to an end, where I am left with just a small amount of inscribable weapons to cross off my list. See you next week.
January 22, 2023 at 9:04 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q9 Death 20/20 Celes Staff, q9 Insc skins” to “WTB q9 Insc skins”. -
Weekly bump (enjoying the staff very much)
Weekly bump (might start a new proph character this weekend)
Weekly bump (did some vanquishing instead)
Weekly bump (leveling an Elementalist)
Weekly bump (hopefully a sunny drive to the beach today)
Weekly bump (more vanquishes!)
Hey I got q9 insc zodiac sword for you.
IGN: Messer Wind
Weekly bump (thanks Fliewe for the sword!)
Weekly bump (abroad)
Weekly bump (managed to get a few caster skins, but still looking for duplicates to serve as high energy sets)
i've got a Storm Artifact, Grim Cesta (pimp glove), and Shadow Staff (sr)
Weekly bump (Thanks Looney for the 3 items!)
Weekly bump (happy easter)
Weekly bump (almost done with all of EotN HM)
Weekly bump (finishing new pc build today)
Weekly bump (going on a trip for the week)
Weekly bump (back in business)
May 13, 2023 at 1:41 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB q9 Insc skins” to “WTB Shadow Balde +5e, various q9 Insc skins”. -
Weekly bump (I added a new Shadow Blade OS as I cannot seem to get my hands on an Insc one. does anyone know if these exist? Wiki states they drop from chests only)
May 13, 2023 at 1:44 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Shadow Balde +5e, various q9 Insc skins” to “WTB Shadow Blade +5e, various q9 Insc skins”. -
If req doesnt matter on the shadow blade i can sell u a q11 +5e. just let me know if u are interested
I have a Q9 Shadow Blade +5e - Offer?
Weekly bump (trying to get those Shadow blades)
Weekly bump (long weekend)
June 1, 2023 at 5:43 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Shadow Blade +5e, various q9 Insc skins” to “WTB various q9 Insc skins”. -
Weekly bump (got the shadow blade 5e)
Weekly bump (it's bloody warm out here)
Weekly bump (beach weather still, but I just want to keep cool)