This dual vamp shepis oO
Rly sad for the 1 missing damage

Your Beloved Collections
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EK =
This dual vamp shepis oO
Rly sad for the 1 missing damageCheers man
I got it from Coast years ago, but unsure who had it before him. (Thanks Coast!!) There were rumors of a one off 15^50 floating around many years ago but i only ever found 1 other, the +14%we in the last pic.
Unfortunately they never dropped in Q7 Max, this was as badass as it got & it's just as rare.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words & keep your collection pics rolling in!!!
It was me who sold coast the sephis
also it was me who sold u other q8 +5e bramble!! :O x)
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It was me who sold coast the sephisalso it was me who sold u other q8 +5e bramble!! :O x)
How do you remember all this? I can't even remember who has what today!
Haha i dont know, i just got rly good memory of items ive owned and sold and also other ppls items
i often hear iknow better what ppl own then the owners xD especially when its inactive ppl haha, oddly enough i remember even sale prices and what other ppl sold stuff for rly good for years xD maybe thats why ive allways been so good at trading and tracking items down
and ive been able help alot ppl find items they seek too (:
It was me who sold coast the sephisalso it was me who sold u other q8 +5e bramble!! :O x)
Hahaha, then it really is a small world. It was Toad who 1st had the other Bramble & who let Max sell it to me! Yours def completed the pair tho.
You got a memory like a white elephant Ikki!!!
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Since I have been inactive for a while, I have the urge to post something here. The question was what though. I posted bits and pieces of my various collections here already. Not that many Attribute Shields though. So it was going to be Attribute Shields. Now in this collection I have several sub-collections:
All attributes with perfect mods (completed)
All attributes with perfect mods AND r9 (almost done, so I'm not posting this until it is done)
All attributes (im)perfect in r8 (far from done and haven't been posted in a while)
All my imperfects r9 and up (So many shields and such a big project before I dare to call it done).So the choice wasn't hard to make. Here is my r8 Attribute Shield Collection:
Sadly I don't have any r8 Warrior shields. To summarize the ones I miss: Smiting Prayers, Protection Prayers, Illusion Magic, Fire Magic, Earth Magic, Strength and Tactics. Hopefully I can add those in the future. Thanks to everyone who helped me and thanks to everyone who will help me. :heart:
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Welcome back.
Well that is certainly dope, awesome
haven't posted them on here i think
still love them as much as when i got them -
haven't posted them on here i think
still love them as much as when i got themMajor jelly. Exactly what I would love for my collection. Really damn nice
Im in forever gratitude to Buzan for selling me these two crown jewels to my humble collection
And Humongous thanks to IvoryR and Tyrant For buying tons of items from me so i was able to fund these beauties<3
Here my 20 q8 15^50 Bows
Beautiful set, post the amazing monstrosity that is the entire Pleikki Estate though next time
My first post here isn't going to be my weapons I've collected or the other miscellaneous items that I tend to keep, it's going to be my characters
Chars and minipets were the first things I decided I truly wanted and over the years I maxed my account out. I can't add anymore character slots, I even found a NF pre-release bonus key, for the extra slot. I have all three collector's editions and several pre-release keys. I'm not sure what other keys I could add at this point or if I could even find them.
Display Spoiler
Sorry for the full obsi picture, but it took a while to achieve! I'll do a weapons/pets post at some point with my favorite armors on themNot sure if this truly counts as a "collections" post, but I do not know many people who have 35 characters on one account or all the collectors editions
Also, the picture is quite large if opened by itself, so spoiler gets to contain it.
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nice! (I have collectors editions of all on my main as well--with 35 slots, but only have 2 sets of fow....never really liked that set so only got the 2).
I just wanted to congratulate Pleikki. I never thought I would sell those bows. But they have made it to the best final home I can think of. Enjoy them :). I still have that ugly 14 vs hexed ;).
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Hey Ivory.... that absolutely counts as a collection. It's a superb collection. Congratulations. This thread is all about showing off your ingame achievements. That isn't always about having stuff. A collection is a bunch of things you've gathered together, and your characters absolutely count. A collection doesn't have to be items.
And Ikki.... what can I say?....... truly a superb bow collection. This is how it's done folks.
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Awesome bow's you got there Pleikki. Now go find some more r8 15^50's!
Love the new bows bro, sad they didn't come to me, but happy they fond an even better permanent home. GG
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Tonight has been rewarding. I caught up with Händler to purchase his awesome Gloom Shield. Then whilst discussing with Raining Ecto what weapon to use with it, he comes up with this beauty of a Runic Axe. I always wanted one and the Gloom Shield needed a worthy partner so here we are: In the [pupu] Guild Hall, feeling strong, badass and with Raining cheering me on, I present to you my latest weapon set:
Thanks Händler and Raining Ecto for selling me these~Emma
Keeping it in the same vein of q8 sets here is one of mine.
The Set of Ones.
Thank You to Mr. Buzan for the Crysta so that I could make this set happen.
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Love to see someone else loving purples too as much as i do
Im so jelous
Ps. Im working on trying find u that 1/11 sword mod (:
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Tyrant, that is quite simply majestic.
I didn't know that SWS existed, but it has instantly gone on my shopping list.
So much hardcore pre-nerfery in one image..... awesome work.
Tyrant, that is quite simply majestic.
I didn't know that SWS existed, but it has instantly gone on my shopping list.
So much hardcore pre-nerfery in one image..... awesome work.
Thanks! Pretty much as pre-nerf as it can get haha
(Also just want to point out my favorite part of the shield that most people wont care about but I find fun; the gold value is 168, 16/8, just like its stats, making the numbers consistent all the way through the shield, just like the theme of 1's throughout the set... yes I'm a nerd like that and find that little detail fun)
@ikki One of us is bound to find the mod one day lol also I think these grapes are your cue to post your empire of Purps
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@ikki One of us is bound to find the mod one day lol also I think these grapes are your cue to post your empire of Purps
YES! gogo Pleikki!
I was on earlier and I realized i didnt have any screenshots of my staffs on my laptop so, took a bit of time to get some
Dragon Breath Wands are one of my favorite skins. When I saw this one I simply could not pass it up. It might not be a perfect 20 / 20, but it's probably the closest I can get to my dream item, a Q8 20 20 one! Let the Canthan dragon roar!
Also, I wanted to share a little air collection I've been working on. It's nothing super special, but it has some shocking lightning spires, and a couple of cute wands, including a Q8 Zod Scepter and a 20/20 Air Dragon's Breath Wand.
Here they are all together.
[PhD] Yuko
You call purple, I rise with Blue!
I will try screenshot some other items in few days when ive got time ;p
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dang, some really nice stuff there yuko and ikki!
well since everybody is showing off again, i thought i might post my "highlights" one more time...
maybe somebody enjoys it. and yes i got some more stuff but iam way too lazy to screen everything.
All my Q7 ey?
i have heard these 3 staffs would bring some nice money now...
the common cool skins right? some even with nice req...
this one has a special place in my heart.hoped you all liked the little show off. stay happy folks!
Rav you allways been my hero, so many awesome items ive allways adored
Keep it up ! So nice you posted them here, allways someting that i didnt remember you had
Anyway! Here also some more stuff from me
I've progressed on my bows to point were i only miss 1 more, and also hammers still only the last piece from finishing.
This collection ive been building for past 3years, and i rly hope i could finish it.
Find me the last two missing dmg mods!
So my collection: q8 Sword, Axe, Hammer & Bow, q8 Each dmg mod, each in different skins ;P
You though i only collect q8 15^50s?
those dual vamps oO
amazing !
and that 5e oni blade... i wanted to cry when i saw the +20%^^ -
Again i just had to make post here
As me and Imy were able build together this awesome crystalline set im super excited about,
glad i can be part owner of this set that we were able assemble together
i also finished set of full prenerf sunders for bow today so also wanna add this finished set here
Peikki, it seems that we have same tastes
Ladies and gentlemen, i'm realy happy, and not less proud, to show you the collection I lastly (ALMOST) finished.
here's a link, idk why i can't put image on this forum, i must be a noobI know a damn mod is missing, but after huge amount of time looking everywhere, pm everyboddy, without success, i decided to post it anyway.
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as do
PS: if anyone of you has any clue where I can find this last remaing mod, feel free to pm and help me to finish this collectioncheers
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Awesome stuff guys!!! Love the grapes! As for jacke:
[ img ] https://imgur link.jpg [ /img ] without the spaces will post the link as a picture.
Hello everyone,
The time has come for me, to share with you my beautiful Collection of Darkwing Defender,
It took me years to get the set all together,
I hope you will enjoy this,
Legend nr.1
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Oh, that is very special indeed, Legend. Congratulations on assembling a consecutively numbered set of the rarest inscribable shields in existence. It’s only 4 shields, but those 4 are über rare, and worth more than many collections comprising of many more items.
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Max you know how to post pictures here. Somehow it doesn't open for me. Could you reupload it maybe? Or maybe someone could tell me what it is exactly?