PC on Old School Low reqs

  • Hey lads,
    I'd like to get an idea what my collection is worth these days. Haven't checked in on the market in some time and trying to get a feel.
    Thanks in advance!





    Hope y'all have good day!

  • Hello.

    First of all the usual disclaimer: If you seriously want to sell these and not get ripped of: Do NOT sell to private message offers and don't rush your sale. Auction the items here and give buyers enough time to offer.

    All of the items you posted here will sell for at least 15-20a+ while some skins will go for far more:

    Ironwing & Grinning Recurve Bow: 100a+ imo

    Gothic Axe: 40-50a+ imo

    Oni & Zodiac: 80a+ imo

    Hand Axe: if canthan 200a+ easily. if tyrian 30-40a maybe?

    War Hammer: also depending on skin... lion 10-20a, spike 25-30a, ascalon or ram skin somewhere in the triple digits arms

  • Its all worthless until the point of sale that determines the price for that exact item at that exact date and time.

    Plus what makes this part of the forum even more worthless is that to put items up for sale dose not mean you have to sell at any price if you suddenly decide not to.
    You really are only gaining information on the current market for your items by putting them up for sale.

    Good luck if and when you put the items up for sale.

    Main IGN: Invoke Constipation
    #1 Suz As a Sin, #2 Suz of the dead

  • Thank you all for your input so far!

    Can i ask a question though : you hate charrs that much? Oo

    I stuck to pre for the majority of my first year in guild wars - when I played post, charrs were still my go to enemies, so my collection evolved around them, and I stuck to it. Plus 25% extra damage is the most badass upgrade in the game imo, and no other creature type has those!

  • Thank god someone got the disclaimer in.

    It’s all merch. No n of 1 items. 😂

  • bsoltan June 11, 2022 at 12:56 AM

    Closed the thread.