20a zod axe dv

22a gloom vs blunt
& thx for the bids
will be out over the weekend. will leave it up until i'm back and announce r/b's and b/o's at the beginning of next week !
xoxo -
16a dual ench gloom plz & ty
20a on Gloom dual ench
25a on Gloom Blunt
Have a nice day.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
21a gloom dual ench
22a on Gloom dual ench
Have a nice day.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
q13 wooden vs demons, 2a
q13 demon wooden 3a
26a gloom vs blunt
27a on Gloom Blunt
Have a nice day.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
gloom vs blunt- 30a
23 a dual ench gloomy
q13 wooden +10 demon/+45wE 4a
q13 wooden +10 demon/+45wE 6a
25a on Gloom dual ench
31a on Gloom Blunt
Have a nice day.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
26a dual ench gloomy
gloom vs blunt- 32a
Up (:
Thx for The bids! Will be home later this eve, will add r/b’s & b/o’s as soon as i’m home!
caster stuff
straw of effigy 2a
paper fan 2a
27a on Gloom dual ench
33a on Gloom Blunt
Have a nice day.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
28a dual ench gloomy
Up (:
Added r/b & b/o & selling time as well.
24h when there’s no more bid when r/b’s reached)
Enjoy & GL
B/O dual ench gloomy
Eternal Q9Str -2 St +10 Earth : R/B : 4a
Wooden Buckler Q9T + 10 Fire -2 Ench : R/B : 3a
Gothic Defender Q9T +10 Percing -2 Ench : 1a
Gloom Q9T +10 Blunt -2 Ench : 33a
Have a nice day.
IGn : Reine Mathilde
b/o dv zodiac axe
r/b golden phoenix dv
Spiked q9t -2we +10vDemons: 3a
Up (:
Please all reached r/b item holders reach out to me. The item’s yours.
Will be available this eve for trade. Also a new juicy bundle is comming up. Stay tuned!
Have a good day!
May 6, 2023 at 8:49 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE 27/04 || new DV/DZ stuff & more perfect shields (undead & more) || DEMON IRIDESCENT, q8 swords, BLADED shields, GotH, DEMON shields,, enjoy!xx” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE 06/05 || new q9 FAN-Bundle || DV/DZ stuff & more perfect shields (undead & more) || DEMON IRIDESCENT, q8 swords, BLADED shields, DEMON shields,, enjoy!xx”. -
Up (:
Changing the complete threat after ~1 week.
Added new: q9 Paper Fan - Bundle
15a PF bundle
May 7, 2023 at 11:12 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE 06/05 || new q9 FAN-Bundle || DV/DZ stuff & more perfect shields (undead & more) || DEMON IRIDESCENT, q8 swords, BLADED shields, DEMON shields,, enjoy!xx” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE 06/05 || new q9 PAPER FAN-Bundle aaaaaand more enjoy!xx”. -
23a Paper Fans
Caster Stuff: Celestial Illu 1a offer
Paper Van Bundle 30a -
40a fan bundle
Up (:
Changing up some stuff within the next 24h.
55a Paper Fan
q11 DZ Oni Blade 100e
bladed blind demon 3a