PC various OS Shields and weird purple q8 dom focus
no ideas? ok i am trying it myself^^
1. perfect but unwanted skin i guess i guess around 100e
2.unwanted skin + unwanted mods? 50e
3. shadow shield no idea tbh i guess 150e
4. q11 + 1 off maybe 25-50e
5. q13 + 1 off but wanted skin? 50-75e
6. unwanted skin +1 off merch-25e?
7. got a 25e offer in kama should have made the deal^^
8. 2 off, merch-10e
9. 2 off, unwanted skin but matching stats 25e
10. same like nr 9. 25e
11. 1 off unwanted skin 25-50e?
12. probably merch-10e
13. q0 daggers i dont know if those have any use could be merch-arms xD
14. created some interest in kama, useless but rare i guess
15. merch
16. no idea
good attempt - I'd place most lower.
1. unwanted mods, average skin, 20-60e
2. unwanted mods, q11, 10-20e
3. 1off kills a lot, hex unwanted, 15-30e tops
4. rare skin, bad mod combo, 1off, take what you can else merch
5. overfarmed, unmatching, high req, merch
6. undead is wanted, 1off kills value, high req, 10-25e
7. wanted skin, good combo, 2off, high req, 10-25e tops - ye you should have taken the offer
8. overfarmed, bad combo, 2off, merch
9. core skin, 2off, high req, merch
10. core skin, 2off, high req, merch
11. unwanted skin, 1off, merch - 10e
12. 2off, bad combo, merch (or give to me for an ecto)
13. very niche but there is enthusiasts, could get 10e or so
14. I'd merch, but could also yield 5-10e
15. idk, dz is collectible, skin is rare, but high req and twohanded isn't optimal. I'd hope for 10-15e but might end up merching if none takes it
16. hmm could be worth money, div/heal is wanted,bo staff as well, downside is the req... I'd think 50-250e range.
wait for more on the last two
ty that was very helpful
September 1, 2022 at 11:53 PM Closed the thread.