PC Q8 Eternal Shields
IvoryR -
August 7, 2022 at 4:26 PM -
who know xd put it in auction lol xxxa
Those are damn sexy. Impossible to give an accurate price check on them though. They'd be highly desired in any case. Best to just list them on legacy for auction and see where the bids go.
Looks like one of a kind(and then you two of them lol). best +10 vs creature mod on top... XXXa
Be cool and put one of them on sale at Legacy please 😁
Priceless shields. Almost no amount of arms beats owning these in the current beyond inflated economy imo. I'd highly recommend just holding on to them. But ofcourse it's your call at the end of the day.
yeah as F A L Q U E said don't put both at the same time on auction
Agree with most here, 150a+ would be my best guess
Hope one goes for auction
Priceless Shields. And as much as I would like to bid on it. I have to strongly agree with San. You're better off holding on to them. In todays day and age it's better to have such an item than to have the money it's "worth".
September 29, 2022 at 11:17 PM Closed the thread.