1a on piercing crude. Other one is gone?

NEW rb added 08/03 : Shadow shield q8/16 - Mursaat q9 OS 15/50
January 19, 2023 at 10:47 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 17/01 : Skull shield q8t OS - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - Full collection Q9 OS Zodiac sword ( DV, DZ, +5, Naked etc... ) - Collection perfect OS Shields - Q8 swords insc -Q8 shields ins” to “New 17/01 : Sea purse q8 - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles”. -
5a on Q8 skele
IGN: Do Om Bringer
January 21, 2023 at 12:11 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 17/01 : Sea purse q8 - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles” to “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Sea purse q8 - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles”. -
Bump !
Q8 Equine Aegis gold ins added
and a q10str gothic defender +10 vs demons + 45w/e
R/b and B/o lowered a lot on the obsi staff
20a equine
January 21, 2023 at 4:47 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Sea purse q8 - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles” to “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles”. -
40a equine please
January 21, 2023 at 10:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles” to “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles”. -
50a equine
Equine 60a
70a equine
shield of the lion 6a
thank you for your bids !
Some items have been sold IG. R/b added and lowered on shields.
I will add the r/b on the equine in a few days nik MiltonNews Ve_Zz Pwr Up
Skull Shield q8t OS -3w/h + 44 w/e c/o : 5a
Echovald q9t -2w/e + 30 hp
Sea Purse q8t c/o
90a equine
100a equine
110a equine
r/b equine
145a equine
Thank you for your bids !
R/b on the sea purse lowered
New bladed added
150a equine
January 23, 2023 at 9:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 21/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles” to “New 23/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - q9t bladed +10 vs demons - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles”. -
15a new bladed
4a gothic
Gothic Defender q10str + 10 vs demons + 45w/e 5a
25a q9+41 bladed
6a gothic
Tower shield q9 str + 10 vs skeletons -2 w/e 10a ~
160a equine
30a bladed q9 +41
35a bladed
170 equine
Thank you for your bids !
36a bladed
37a bladed
8a on q8 skele
38a bladed
40a bladed
January 25, 2023 at 11:08 AM Changed the title of the thread from “New 23/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - q9t bladed +10 vs demons - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - Sea purse q8 - Zodiac q9 sword DV - OS shields - q8 items perfects ins and os - Bundles” to “New 25/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - q9t bladed +10 vs demons - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - SWS +30hp + 10vs lightning - - OS shields - - Bundles”. -
25a vs lightning sws
thanks for your bids !
New SWS q10t + 30 + 10 vs lightning.
Some items sold IG
January 25, 2023 at 10:41 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New 25/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold - q9t bladed +10 vs demons - Wingblade q8 15^50 OS - SWS +30hp + 10vs lightning - - OS shields - - Bundles” to “New 25/01 : Equine Aegis q8t gold -Prenerf Falchion q8 15^50 - q9t bladed +10 vs demons - SWS +30hp + 10vs lightning - - OS shields - - Bundles”. -
3a on crude vs piercing plz
Up !
New defender added and a prenerf q8 falchion 15^50.
Will sell the equine if no more bids during 48 hours MiltonNews nik . Bids on the equine are open to everybody.
crude 5a
defender 1a - I'll pay 10-fold if you can make it +30 ;D