
Keitax -
August 15, 2017 at 3:36 AM -
250e for comm bo
[hr]Os Staves
Q9 Fire Core Staff 20/20 --> 10e
Q9 Water Core Staff 20/20 --> 10e
Q11 Fire Dragon Staff 20/20 --> 10e
Q13 Earth Platinum Staff 20/20 --> 10e -
Q9 Tactics - Zodiac Shield + 30 Health +10 vs Fire 100e
Q9 Tactics - Amber Aegis +30 Health +10 vs Slashing 100e
Q9 Tactics - Bladed Shield -2w/Stance +30 Health 10a
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +29 Health +10 vs Demons 30e -
50e on the Q11 blood Platinum and on the q13 eatth plat
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +29 Health +10 vs Demons ~ 40e
Q9 Tactics - Outcast Shield +10 vs Lightning +44w/Enchant - 40e
Q9 Strength - Bladed Shield +10 vs Slashing +45w/Enchant - 60e
Q13 Strength - Bladed Shield +10 vs Lightning +29 Health - 15eIGN : Vagoogoo Hunter
b/o's are added, some new items are added aswell
Q10 Tactics - Outcast Shield -2w/Enchant +1 Healing (20%) ~ B/o 30e please
ign qu xji
some items are sold.
Q11 Strength - Amber Aegis -2w/Enchant +10 vs Fire ~ B/o 40e
IGN Dua Lipa
b/o lowered some items sold
Q11 Fire Dragon Staff 20/20 ~ 100e
*new* Q11 Strength - Spiked Targe +30 Health -2w/Stance - 60e
Q11 Tactics - Ornate Shield -5 (20%) +30 Health ~ 30e
Q9 Fire Canthan Staff 20/20 [x2] ~ B/o 20e/each - both
*new* Q11 Domination Dragon Staff 20/20 - 60e -
Q9 Communing Platinum Staff 20/20 ~ B/o 550e
I'll take that one.
Q10 Earth Bo Staff 20/20 ~ 2a
ign : speed clear ele
up, trying to catch few of you guys ingame.
lowered b/o alot
upp added some new items
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance -- 100e
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance - 250e
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance
600e gothic defender....
Q9 Tactics - Gothic Defender +30 Health -2w/Stance
bump b/o added
800e gothic defender
Q10 Tactics - Echovald Shield -2w/Enchant +10 vs Lightning ~ B/o 80e pls
ign qu xji
bump gothic shield will be sold soon
b/o lowered alott!! -
Q11 Tactics - Aegis +45w/Enchant -2w/Enchant ~ B/o 20e
Q11 Tactics - Gothic Defender -3w/Hex +30 Health ~ B/o 5e
Q12 Tactics - Outcast Shield -2w/Enchant +10 vs Plant ~ B/o 10e
Q12 Strength - Amber Aegis - +10 vs Fire -2w/Enchant ~ B/o 5e
Q13 Tactics - Outcast Shield -20% Dazed +30 Health ~ B/o 10e
Q10 Blood - Dragon Staff 20/20 [x2] ~ B/o 50e/each - b/o both -
Q11 Divine - Bo Staff 20/20 Protection ~ B/o 100e pls
ign qu xji
825e Gothic Defender
850e gothic defender
B/o 200e Gothic -2e/10vSlashing
Echovald Shield -2w/Enchant +10 vs Earth ~ B/o 200e
900e Gothic Defender
Q11 Tactics - Echovald Shield +10 vs Demons +30 Health ~ B/o 200e
EDIT : I just noticed that Festive Park already bidded on it
(in case he retract, i'm here !)
IG : Holy Kezia
bump added some dragon staves gl
250e on Q9 20/20 domi Dragon Staff
150e and a req. 13 VS (plus the items in my WTS thread
sorry that's my worldly wealth at the mo) on D5...
D9: 20/20 Domination 5a