Hello everyone!
Looking to clear out my chest and inventories of some shields 
Tall Shields
q8 +1Dom^19% c/o 1a Gentleman Xander
q11 -2ench Demons c/o 50e r/b 1a Aliss
q10 44ench Demons c/o 50e r/b 7a Aliss
q9 -2ench +30 c/o 1a Danthor
q9 41ench Piercing r/b 10e
q12 45ench Piercing r/b 20e
q9 29 Plants r/b 1a
q9t 42^st -2st c/o 50e r/b 5a Danthor
Axe q9 15^ench r/b 50e Peaky Blinder
Reinforced Bucklers
q13 45^stance Charr 40e Amazon Of Melandru
Round Shields
q9 44^ench +10 plants c/o 75e r/b 5a Envision
Round Charr r/b 25e
q9 -3^hex Giants c/o 25e r/b 75e PyroLobster
Other Shields
Exalted r/b 40e
Skull r/b 25e
Tower r/b 60e
r/b 5e
r/b 10e
I reserve the right not to sell any of these items.
Would love to find them a new home though!