[CLOSED] Free Minis (all gone)
mandragor imp
thorn wolf
quetzal sly
scourge manta
word of madness
I'll take a Flame Djinn, thanks! Same name in-game
Thanks a lot!
Hi, if it's still open, I would like to take the following:
- kirin
- nian
- zhu hanuku
- water djinn
- flame djinn
Thank you!
Hi, if it's still open, I would like to take the following:
- kirin
- nian
- zhu hanuku
- water djinn
- flame djinn
Thank you!
Yes still open, i will be online this evening (europe time, around 14 hours from now)
Yes still open, i will be online this evening (europe time, around 14 hours from now)
Great, I'll probably be online around that time too!
Devil Luca
June 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Free Minis” to “[CLOSED] Free Minis (all gone)”. -
Marty Silverblade
June 22, 2023 at 1:18 AM Closed the thread.