PC Staff Wrapping of Channeling Magic +1 20% (close please)
it is an item that is rather rare and not too often looked for. it entirely depends on the situation. someone trying to buy might have a hard time finding one for sale and might offer high amounts in hopes to get one, whilst a seller could just as well have a hard time finding a buyer. so... just see what you can get. the listed 100e seem ridiculously high - but what is 100e these days?! the wtb for 25e is also ratger high, the wts for 3e is rather a bargain. I'd see 10-20e as a realistic ball park figure. but it is very situational. you could even sell it for 100e. or you could have a hard time sellibg it for 10e.
August 12, 2023 at 4:19 AM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Staff Wrapping of Channeling Magic +1 20%” to “PC Staff Wrapping of Channeling Magic +1 20% (close please)”. -
Marty Silverblade
August 12, 2023 at 6:30 AM Closed the thread.