Does anyone have this they could send a link to or email it? Had it ages ago but lost it and cant find one on google, cheers

Clear Line UI Texmod
Is this what you're looking for?
yeah, says network error when i try download it though
- Official Post
For me it failed the first time but then succeeded on the second. I've uploaded it here if you still have issues:
file dont work for me, maybe corrupt? Says "Invalid Texmod Package, Unable to open"
- Official Post
Yeah, I'm getting that too. Perhaps it's not downloading properly at all. One thing that stood out though was that the filename has dots in it - that should be reserved for separating the filename from the extension. Renaming it didn't help.
I'll look Tuesday and see if I have it. Busy this weekend.
Try this Blink - I use it atm so I know it works -
Thanks. My computer is being a bit stubborn. ?So, sorry... I have to try to fix the issues ten decided to do, though I thought I had it fixed.