ls anyone interested in helping a new player out. I'm in need of some gold for purchasing runes and dyeing my armor, but haven't defeated enough enemies to sell stacks, not even made it to Kamadan yet. If anyone would be willing to buy the following items at a fair price in smaller quantities, l'd greatly appreciate it:
•2-3 Unidentified Gold Weapons
2 Unidentified Gold Ettin's Pauldron •30 Trick-or-Treat Bags
•3-5 Black Dyes
•10 Birthday Cupcakes
currently have less than 1k gold, so any help would be appreciated. If anyone is willing to buy something please let me know. Payment in Gold and Plat please:)
Really enjoying this game so fa, l'm at Mission 12/25 in Prophecies and just starting to get a grasp of the games economy!
Thanks a lot, IGN: Kaiman Savari