Storage cleanout
5 - 5a
5 : 8a
5 - 10a
5 : 12a
5 - 15a
3, 5, 8, 14 keepers
Oh its a price-check topic, sorry about starting bidding on it
thanks to the people above you have kinda a price check on the demon buckler : there is intrest, put it on sale
rest is merch ecxept the BDS of course which will be XXA (check kama trade chat)
13 is not merch def.
tbh put everything on auction
5 : 22a
Thanks all for the replies! I'll move this to the Sell forum!
Bidding can be done there.
#3 i wouldn't merch, i'd at minimum use it as a vaettir farm shield.
Sure it's really high q, but bladed is an ok skin, someone might toss a few ectos on it. Probably not a ton but every 5-10e helps.
#3 i wouldn't merch, i'd at minimum use it as a vaettir farm shield.
Sure it's really high q, but bladed is an ok skin, someone might toss a few ectos on it. Probably not a ton but every 5-10e helps.
Thank you for the feedback! I put it up for sale
apparently everyone is asleep today haha were all bidding on it
Marty Silverblade
December 31, 2023 at 11:18 PM Closed the thread.