Been off, can you guys help me? Close pls
i’m pretty sure the there was a inscribe eternal on here that went for 55aish ircc
Yup insc ethernal around 50a
You're not new to this, you know these have value. Put them for sale and let people bid on them if you're looking to sell.
I didn’t say I’m new here anywhere.
But in 2 years a lot happened in prices and I don’t wanna sell under or above value.
But okay, I will let these items die on my acc, if a pc is to much work.
Thread can be closed. -
April 17, 2024 at 1:12 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Been off, can you guys help me?” to “Been off, can you guys help me? Close pls”. -
Sorry, did'nt mean to be rude. But just pointing out that you have'nt been away for that long and prices have'nt changed that much since then.
However only a public auction will determine the exact value of these items. lem0nhaz3 -
Last time I played arms been double priced, weapon prices are so crazy, that amber was one year ago maybe 50a now people bid 150a in Kama and I am wondering if they still scam me.
Its hard when you’re not active.
You know? -
Dont sell amber in kama
Hello lem0nhaz3
As I told you in the PM, I'm interested in bows, but it seemed to me that to avoid biases, I should refrain from giving my opinion on this thread.
Nevertheless, considering the lack of enthusiasm, I'll still attempt the maneuver.
Eternal q9 3/5a
Amber Bow 150a+
Eternal Shield 50/75a
Defender 50a
Eternal gold 30a+
Half Moon 40a
Hornbow 250/300 (don't sell to pm im rdy for bid battle)
eternal blue 10a ?
Staff idk, 150+ ?
War axe i sell the same arround 125a few weeks ago.
Have fun
For good measure i'll share the estimates I wrote to you in PM's aswell.
Amber 100-250a ~
Half Moon 30-70a ~
Hornbow 250a ~
Eternal insc 50a ~
Q9 Eternal 3-10a ~
Gold Q8 Eternal 20-40a ~
War Axe 40-80a ~
Staff 5-10a ~
Blue Q8 Eternal not sure this one has any value. Incase it's prenerf i'd say max 3-5a -
Marty Silverblade
April 18, 2024 at 12:36 AM Closed the thread.