Returning Player - Is anything valuable?

  • Just came back to the game, trying to figure out what to do, what is going on and if anything that I have is worth anything!

    On this character I have:

    1st Birthday Present x1
    2nd Birthday Present x2
    3rd Birthday Present x2
    4th Birthday Present x2
    5th Birthday Present x2
    6th Birthday Present x3
    7th Birthday present x4
    35 Birthday Present Vouchers
    Everlasting Queen Salma Tonic (Think I clicked something and got this on accident)


    (Yellow item text)
    Prince Rurik

    (Purple item text)
    Burning Titan

    (White item text)
    Fire Drake
    Cave Spider
    Dredge Brute
    Terrorweb Dryder
    Jade Armor
    Harpy Ranger
    Cobalt Scabara
    Temple Guardian
    Fungal Wallow
    Mandragor Imp

    Edited once, last by Tooshort: Found more on my other characters, updated everything. (May 30, 2024 at 10:58 PM).

  • The Shreader's Talons in the screenshot are the prenerf variant of that item. (Not worth a whole lot to begin with but still valuable, but effectively worthless when customized.) Still nice to know though.

    Because of that, it's probably likely that you have other prenerf greens elsewhere (either on other characters or on their heroes). Maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't, but this thread covers all there is to know about those.

    Worth taking a look: Greens

    As for the other items listed, the birthday vouchers can't be traded, nor can the presents you choose with them. You just have to open them and see what you get. 6th and 7th year are always the recommended years for those. 6th arguably has more consistent value in terms of the tonics you get, but 7th has bigger jackpots in the form of the rarer minis in it: Naga, Oni, Zhed, Shiroken, Vizu.

    The rest of the listed birthday minis are usually a couple k at most, or are just given away.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • Thanks for the info, couple of questions here if you don't mind as well.

    First, is there a way to remove the customization of the green weapon? (Also, I already checked my others and it seems I stripped everything and sold it all back when I quit and gave mostly everything to a friend.

    Also, just to make sure I understand the present's and vouchers correctly. I can not trade them but I can however trade the items that I receive from them correct? Also, the Vouchers give me several places to turn them in, does it matter where I turn them in?

  • All voucher NPCs offer the same things, so no, it doesn't matter which one you talk to. For the vouchers/presents, correct. You can trade year 1-7 bday presents directly with other players. You can't trade vouchers or the surprise boxes you exchange them for, but you can trade whatever you get by opening those.

    As for customization of weapons, unfortunately not. It's permanent.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread