Returning Player Looking to Empty Inventory

  • Hi all,

    I've just came back to GW1 after quite some time away. I am looking to complete a few titles and get a few more status in my HoM. So I'm looking to sell a few stuff so I can maybe get the 4 tormented weapons I am missing.

    Here is what I've found in my safe along with some minis (even though I know they are not worth much anymore):

    - Green: Gwen, Mox (x3), Bone Dragon (x2)

    - Gold: Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh (x2), Rurik (x2), Adalbern (x3), Flame Djinn (x2), Dagnar (x3)

    With all of this, anyone think I get get 4 armbraces to finish my collection?

    Thank you!

  • HSR is written in gold text

    That's not how that works. It's always been like that for Oppressor weapons. (Balthazar weapons too). You can go check them now and it's still the same. It's not a blanket rule.

    Edit: For OP, reference this thread for greens: Greens
    Your Milthuran's and Arius' are both postnerf. Tarnen's, Forgotten Fan, Vengeance Seeker and Shadestone could be prenerf though.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread