Back to the game, but was never good at pricing items, so I would like your help. I would like to know first if something is valuable... As I am really clueless.
First, a weird rune:
A shield from factions, most likely garbage ?
Other old schoolish items, garbage I guess, due to their bad requirements?
Then everlasting tonics, whites - purple - golds (gwen, rurik, keiran) ... Maybe worth a few ectos?
Ogre-slaying knife, not sure if old or new (trouble seeing the difference with Greens )
Swiftscale, also not sure.
Kepkhet dark pre-nerf
Old school soulstone
Old school garbok
And a series of modern golds, which I suppose go to merch if they are not perfect in terms of requirements (q8 or q9). Is there any skin worth something?
And finally eotn stuff
And, sadly, many old school which are customized..
Thanks for the help folks.