Emptying inventory

  • Hello,

    Back to the game, but was never good at pricing items, so I would like your help. I would like to know first if something is valuable... As I am really clueless.

    First, a weird rune:

    A shield from factions, most likely garbage ?

    Other old schoolish items, garbage I guess, due to their bad requirements?

    Then everlasting tonics, whites - purple - golds (gwen, rurik, keiran) ... Maybe worth a few ectos?

    Ogre-slaying knife, not sure if old or new (trouble seeing the difference with Greens )

    Swiftscale, also not sure.

    Kepkhet dark pre-nerf

    Old school soulstone

    Old school garbok

    And a series of modern golds, which I suppose go to merch if they are not perfect in terms of requirements (q8 or q9). Is there any skin worth something?

    And finally eotn stuff

    And, sadly, many old school which are customized..

    Thanks for the help folks.

  • Some notes on the greens:

    • Ogre-slaying knife is prenerf.
    • Swiftscale's - Easiest to spot on the icon itself, but hard to tell from this image. In-game would be clearer.
    • The Kepkhet's shown is actually the light version (golden color). The dark one is more of a brown.
    • The image for Garbok's shows very little of the item itself, but it looks like it miiight be prenerf? A clearer image or seeing it in-game would help. Also, the image is hanging in the un-added attachments of the bottom of the post, and not under where you have it mentioned.
      • Same with the customized weapons you mentioned? Not sure if there are supposed to be screenshots of those, but I don't see any.

    At any rate, I usually offer a few arms for most duplicate greens I pick up, and more for newer additions. Of these, Swiftscale's would be the rarest, in my experience, assuming it's prenerf. Always depends a bit on interest though.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • Garbok was a bad screenshot. Sorry for that. You can find another here below.

    I did not add any screenshot of the customized ones, as I assumed those are useless. Am I wrong? In the customized ones (pre-nerf), I have:

    - Milius Pillar

    - Wingstorm

    - Ilyana's staff

    - Gorrel's cane

    - Vokur's cane

    - wroth's holy rod

    - Brohn's Holy Rod

    Found a few extras items for the non customized ones:

    - Scar eater (unsure)

    - Amadis (looks post-nerf? man these are really hard to figure out)

    - Garbok's chalice close-up

  • Ah, you meant custo'd greens. Usually not anything, yeah. If any of them were the 12 remaining ones left to find, that'd be something, at least for screenshots/proof, but yeah if the rest of these are custo I'd just keep them.

    Garbok's looks like it's probably pre, based on the new screenshot. Amadis and Scar Eater look postnerf based on these, but we can check for sure in game if you'd like.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread