Falchion 50a
2a Runic Hammer
1a Hand Axe 13^
2a Shadow Shield -5 +29
2a Crude
Falchion 60a
Shadow shield 100a
Ornate plant 10a
hand axe dv 5a
sss 10a
Q8 13 50 Hand axe 10a
Trunch 5a
Smite staff 10a
Bo staff Illusion 5a
IGN: Primal Cassandra
Updated co. Plant buckler sold ig
Plagueborn hammer 10a, hand axe 13a
hand axe 20a
q9 bronze - 3a
hand axe 23a
Hand axe 25
Thanks for bids sofar, i will try to add some rbs shortly.
Spiky warhammer traded IG -
Amber Q9Str : 5a
Ornate 45/fire : 10a
Have fun.
Some stuff sold again IGAdded some RB and B/O on items with bids! RB ON falchion met will let it run sometime before selling
R/b Shadow shield
r/b hand
Falchion b/o
Bo staff Illusion 10a?
IGN: Primal Cassandra
Falchion sold for B/Oq8 13^50 Hand axe and q8 29 5/19 shadow shield RB Met, i will sell them in 2-3 days if no new bids
25a Q8 SSS
Plagueborn Hammer 15a
Bump! Last call For shadow shield and Hand axe, will be sold soon!
Shadow shield, Crude shield and Hand axe gone!
q9 20/20 Illu Bo staff 20a
Vacation atm back in 9 days -
R/b runic hammer
RB runic and Bo met will be solld shortly -
EDIT: sold some stuff to get more funds, 42.0a Gothic defender