Unded Zippy (Greased Lighting)
Unded Zippy (Greased Lighting)
Unded Zippy - ded Yeti + 2100a Dall c/o
B/O 6500a
taking Arms or other rare Petz.
I will Reserve the Right to Not Sell my item.
Unded Zippy (Greased Lighting)
Unded Zippy (Greased Lighting)
Unded Zippy - ded Yeti + 2100a Dall c/o
B/O 6500a
taking Arms or other rare Petz.
I will Reserve the Right to Not Sell my item.
yes just need b/o cause need unded grawl and 1 people need trade grawl unded +arms for my unded zippy xd and me need buy zippy after and if im not sure im dont trade my zippy buy np im wait
420a + 69e
Ded yeti + 2.1k a
Lowered B/O