I got an auction running in „Selling“ for a rare obby edge, how long would you let it last? First time doing this.
I got an auction running in „Selling“ for a rare obby edge, how long would you let it last? First time doing this.
(I copy and paste here the message i sent you in PM)
Will this be the last one?
Will this be it?How long is the normal Auction time in here?
You decide the rules.
In general, it's best to set a time limit, say 48 hours. If there are no other bids after you accept the price, for 48 hours you can sell (or not...) And if someone bids within 48 hours, you extend again for 48 hours.
This is an example, you can add it to your first message by modifying it. You're only allowed one topic in the sales section. You can change the title depending on what you want to sell or the rules for the item, fixed price, auction, etc. And what you accept or not, ectos, arms, etc., see exchange for another object.
Take a look at the other sales topics to see for inspiration And check the rules -> https://guildwarslegacy.com/forum/xunlai-marketplace-rules/
Are you sure that you want to sell? The item is very unique. Arms will lose value quick
Are you sure that you want to sell? The item is very unique. Arms will lose value quick
Arms themselves have been worthless for years, as have all items that can be dropped by bots.
Price fluctuation is also nonsense.
The only question is: do you need arms to buy an item in the game? If the answer is no, then you need to keep what's valuable, or exchange it directly for another item, or give it to a friend.
But for many players, several hundred arms is a small fortune, because they're not aware of GW1's “dark side”.