New Items 15.02.2025
sw1: c/o:
sw2: c/o:
sw3: c/o: 15a Lesder
sw4: c/o: 3a MrMekas
sh1: c/o: 2a Nirolo
sh2: c/o: 6a Nooice
sh3: c/o:
sh4: c/o: 5a Deesse Mage
Leave your ingame name please
sw1: c/o:
sw2: c/o:
sw3: c/o: 15a Lesder
sw4: c/o: 3a MrMekas
sh1: c/o: 2a Nirolo
sh2: c/o: 6a Nooice
sh3: c/o:
sh4: c/o: 5a Deesse Mage
Leave your ingame name please
2a for 3&4 ea
Sword 2 5a
Shield 2 3a
Shield 6 5a
Shield 7 5a
Shield 1 1a
Shield 2 4a
Shield 3 3a
Shield 4 3a
Shield 5 2a
Shield 6 7a
Shield 7 6a
axe 2 - 5a
shield 6 - 10a
shield 7 - 10a
Shield 7 - 15a
sword 2 - 300e
shield 7 20a
shield 7 25a
shield 7 30a
Shield 6 11a
shield 6 15a
175e for 3&4 ea
up added current bids
Shield 3 and 4: 4a
16a shield 6
shield 6 20a
Axe 5: 5a
Axe 4: 3a
IGN: Gone Shootin
last up before I start selling stuff so get your last bids in and don't forget you IGN
21a shield 6
ign: scarlet test ace
25a shield 6
ign mis crusan
bump new stuff
#4 10a
4. 32a
2. 40a
2. 55a
4 . 40a
2. 70a
2. 80a
50a #4
2. 90a
3 - 30a
4 - 60
6) 35 a
Mango thanks
2 : 100a
3 : 35a
4 : 65a
5 : 20a
Have fun.
IGN : Reine Mathilde
2: 110a
2 : 120a
2: 130a
5a on 8 ty