PC some OS shields minis and random items

  • Hello guys,

    Im curious what my items are worth :)

    OS gold items

    q13 str Ornate shield +10ar vs demons +30hp (factions)
    q9 Chaos axe 15^stance
    q9 Chaos axe 15^ench
    q9 blood Celestial staff 20/20
    q9 Crystalline sword (purple) no stats at all
    q9 tac Wooden buckler -2ench +10ar earth
    q9 tac Skull shield +10ar charr -2sta
    q9 tac Skull shield -2en +30hp
    q9 tac Skull shield -2st +45st
    q9 tac Tall shield -3hex +30hp
    q9 tac Ornate buckler +30 -2en
    q9 tac Ornate buckler -2en +10ar vs charr
    q9 str Tower shield -3hex +30
    q9 Hornbow (mursaat skin) 15^50
    q9 Ironwing flatbow 15^50
    q9 earth wand 20/10

    q9 insc items

    q9 tac Enameled shield
    q9 Voltaic spear
    q11 Voltaic spear
    q9 fiery gladius
    q9 str magmas shield
    q9 str Guardian of the hunt
    q9 str Eternal shield
    q9 Dhuums sould reaper
    q9 fire Ghostly staff
    q9 Chaos axe
    q9 Zodiac sword
    q9 Zodiac bow
    q9 resto/prot/DF/DM/Chann CC

    insc blue/ purple

    q8 tac shield of the wing (blue)
    q8 tac aegis (blue)
    q8 tac Great Conch (blue)
    q8 mot Vabbian Bastion (blue)

    q8 str Lotus shield (purple)
    q8 str Tower Shield (blue)


    Unded Pig
    Unded Shiroken
    Ded Zhed

    200 Ghastly stones