Do they only drop specific skins and if so what? Is there still a req8 OS drop potential if they are level 20? Any info would be great, thanks

Level 20 White mantle
I've killed a lot of the WiK flavour of these (tracked into 5 digits of them, with a large amount not tracked) and not had anything much of value other than the WiK specific drops. Maybe it depends on what you're after though.
Yes, as of most things of this level they can drop q8. I've not had a single one worth talking about though - I only ever remember getting one max q8 gold shield (was a single mod) and a max q8 FDS with increased sale value...
Their skin pool is pretty small, and I found myself getting way more martial stuff than caster items. I don't really know what to say about it other than it seems pretty unremarkable besides Shining Mauls and White Reavers. Oh, and they seem to want to drop a LOT of hornbows for some reason.
There's also a few quests that add mantle enemies to EotN where they can drop inscribables.
I farmed at least double of your farm, never god q8 shield or sword out of them, just one q8 foci. Farmed certain quests also a loot, never got single q8 out of them. Their skin pool isn't so limited but they Dont tend to drop q8.
Id they are lvl 20, they CAN drop q8.
Red Fireball once stated the amount of kills necessary to drop a q8 focus>shield>sword, which were significantly higher than just start of 5 digits.
Keep in mind, that nm will decrease the drop of q8 weaps compared to lvl 20 foes in hm
the white mantles even come in lvl 16 as enemies and yes - they can drop low req gold stuff - specifically the lvl 20 can drop q8s as any mob of that lvl. for skins there is however no special skin linked to them that could still drop max q8 these days (aka no sword, shield, foc - they just drop core skins) for axes it is all white reavers, for bows it is all the stoneshard hornbow and for hammers it is shining mauls and ascalon skin war hammers. in eotn the white mantle seem to be a bit different, I haven't looked into them myself - but I have seen white reaver drop when I did my quests there.
I got a 5-25 req 12 white reaver from them yesterday:) So they do in fact have req8 shield sword drop potential in req8 max? It is just more rare than other monster types? Correct me if I am wrong please
Thanks for the info!
it is not rarer than on other mobs. they all behave the same. just when an axe drops it will always be a white reaver, where on other mobs it would be core skins. the overall percentage of axes is still the same as on an equivalent mob elsewhere. so a q8 shield or sword is not rarer on white mantle than on other mobs. what plays more of a role is the profession: a ranger will mainly drop bows etc. so a ranger can drop a max q8 shield, but it will be less likely than on a warrior.