Griefing in Fort Aspenwood a troubling occurance

  • So I play Fort Aspenwood on and off and if you don't know its a pvx minigame of sorts. 8 vs 8. Players from kurzicks and luxons fight for their goals alongside NPC reinforcements....

    Unfortunately this is very griefable... and it only takes 1 person to ruin it for everyone. It's already relatively low population maybe at high time seeing 30ish players que'd up on both sides. But somehow the muck of society finds a way to... well... ruin it for everyone. Why? Who knows.

    We have one player dedicated to using aoe healing spells (like healing circle) on luxon side every match... but they only use it around kurzick npcs that we need to kill for the objective. So seeing as how a luxon player can't... kill them... this causes a problem and is detrimental to their own team, this is by its very definition... griefing.

    This individual also goes on the kurzick side and just opens the gates for everyone and keeps them open when they feel like griefing the kurzick side.

    I would love to know if there is an administrator... a gm.... anyone at Anet I can speak to about removing this individual please? Anyway of reaching them so we can keep this little spark of pvp alive? I'm willing to record this incident and send it in if possible.

  • I've been to busy to play FA recently so I haven't seen this behavior. That said, that is super lame. Has it been going on for weeks or just this weekend? Maybe just name drop the person here, and in the lobby, so people can get them dishonorable consistently as soon as they que. You could also record it, and send it to Anet support. drstephencw is also reachable via various platforms and occasionally on in game. I'd imagine he would hear you out. Hope this helps.

  • I've been to busy to play FA recently so I haven't seen this behavior. That said, that is super lame. Has it been going on for weeks or just this weekend? Maybe just name drop the person here, and in the lobby, so people can get them dishonorable consistently as soon as they que. You could also record it, and send it to Anet support. drstephencw is also reachable via various platforms and occasionally on in game. I'd imagine he would hear you out. Hope this helps.

    Eh skill griefing been around for a long time. Used to be stuff like iron mist that eventually got functionality changed out of FA. The game mode has a small community so it likely could be possible for the GM to address this one person and/or have the pbaoe heal everyone skills pvp functionality changed.

  • I've been to busy to play FA recently so I haven't seen this behavior. That said, that is super lame. Has it been going on for weeks or just this weekend? Maybe just name drop the person here, and in the lobby, so people can get them dishonorable consistently as soon as they que. You could also record it, and send it to Anet support. drstephencw is also reachable via various platforms and occasionally on in game. I'd imagine he would hear you out. Hope this helps.

    Eh skill griefing been around for a long time. Used to be stuff like iron mist that eventually got functionality changed out of FA. The game mode has a small community so it likely could be possible for the GM to address this one person and/or have the pbaoe heal everyone skills pvp functionality changed.

    This would be ideal, how could I reach them?

  • I've been to busy to play FA recently so I haven't seen this behavior. That said, that is super lame. Has it been going on for weeks or just this weekend? Maybe just name drop the person here, and in the lobby, so people can get them dishonorable consistently as soon as they que. You could also record it, and send it to Anet support. drstephencw is also reachable via various platforms and occasionally on in game. I'd imagine he would hear you out. Hope this helps.

    If you go there you will see them.... mass report does nothing... and they are bullied into the ground for it but of course that won't stop a lowly troll/