- Official Post
the poster above me is anxiously waiting for the next post in this thread
the poster above me is anxiously waiting for the next post in this thread
The poster above me knows the poster above them.
the poster above me wants to print guildwars items on a 3d printer (sound sooo cool!)
the poster above me should beware...
...3d printed lockpicks break more often than 'real' ones.
The poster above me may be on to something though if they're cheaper than normal lock picks!
the poster above is looking to save every penny they can
the poster above me wants to keep a few pennies for themselves as well
the poster above spends her pennies on stuffed cheese for her stuffed mice.
its more expensive than cheese stuffed stuff due to difficulty so it takes lots of pennies.
(Have you ever tried to get anything to stay stuffed inside runny cheese?)
the poster above me is almost correct (stuffed pretzels not cheese).
the poster above likes good food combinations
the poster above me wants to have a few more food combinations right now...
the poster above may be looking for a new holiday photo
the poster above me wants to see my next holiday fiep avatar
the poster above me is stashing extra halloween candy around her house.
it's what she calls "Survival Candy" and is so she can surreptitiously beat candy cravings throughout the year.
The poster above lies about the poster above, they didn't get the tootsie that broke a filling out of my mouth
the poster above me should stick to reese's--no broken toooths with them (ok, unless you freeze them).
the poster above likes peanut butter and cookies =O, might need to update their signature
the poster above me does remember nutter butter peanut butter cookies.
The poster above me is a Connoisseur of Confectionaries (Cookies).
the poster above me has found out my secret title!
the poster above has more secrets than that though.
the poster above me want to be Gentlemen but his name is Gentleman
The poster above me polishes shoes.
the poster above me thinks that is all the monks' fault
the poster above knows it was the monks fault
the poster above me knows why it was the monks fault
The poster above me know it wasn't the monks fault.
the poster above me is sticking up for the monks
The poster of above me know that monks get no love.
The poster above forgot about mesmers...
...so can't we all just get along and agree...
...everyone hates mesmers.
If any profession needs sticking up for, its those poorly dancing mesmers.
the poster above me know that mesmers get more love than monks.
the poster above me agrees that mesmers DO get some love (look at their wardrobe! )
the poster above remembers when hot pants were popular in real life and not just an odd fashion choice for mesmer females in gw.
the poster above.... has their name for a reason
the poster above me has their name for an even better reason
The poster above me has no reason.
the poster above may have a reason
the poster above me wants everyone to have a reason (really, I do....)
The poster above me seems to think that others need a reason whereas in reality life just is.
the poster above me thinks I think about reasons, but I really have no reason to think about