S/B added - R/B hidden. Questions can be asked through PM but no buyouts or sales will be finalized through pm. I keep the rights to sell these items or not.
Uncustomzied Mursaat Shield (STR)
S/B = 30a
R/B = 80a (met)
B/O = 120a
Asyrr Du Promo
1 SOLD for 6A to Fireball
2 SOLD for 200e to Flo
3 S/B= 200E
4 S/B= 250E
5 S/B= 300E - C/O=300e - B/O=500e
6 S/B= 500E
7 S/B= 400E - C/O=500E - B/O=600e
8 SOLD for 400e to Flo
9 S/B= 400E
10 S/B= 300E
11 S/B= 500E - C/O-600E - B/O=10A
12 S/B= 450E - C/O=7A - B/O=12A
13 S/B= 100E
14 S/B= 100E
15 S/B= 50E
16 S/B= 400E
17 S/B= 300E
18 S/B= 500E - C/O=500E - B/O=600e