Different perfect weapons

  • god damn you got some real beauties there!! q8 bow cannot drop max dmg anymore so yours are extremly rare and wanted, so are all your q8 swords (exept cele i guess)

    1 25-50e+

    4 5-10e maybe

    6 40-50a+?

    7 same as 6.?

    9, 15, 16, 17 are extremly nice!! each should should probably get you 100-200a+ EACH (17 only if mursaat skin, otherwise idk, 40-50a?)

    10 some1 is selling one in kama right now, dunno what he asks, imo worth 20-30a?

    11 50-100a?

    13 50a+?

    14 100a+?

    12 20-40e

    8 maybe 5e

    PLS do not sell these via PM or to the first offer!! open a thread and tike your time they are real beauties!!! (q8 ones i mean :p)

    im sure other ppl can tell you more about them than i can, but this might give you a rough idea...

    btw 1a=100e~


    ign: Katze Kami

    Edited 2 times, last by hGt (May 18, 2018 at 11:24 PM).

  • what else to say, than all bow q8 are extremely valuable?
    take your time selling those, many ppl on this forum will bidwar on them for sure, for one time i think hGt underestimated them.
    eternal bow, is a DAMN nice one XXX arms, for sure.

    wish you best of luck!

    IG: jacke l eventreur

  • cosyfiep June 20, 2018 at 1:17 AM

    Closed the thread.