Current buy list:
OS Creature Shields - Interested in any skin / req with mods +10vs Charr, Dwarves, Skele, Tengu, Troll and Giants.
OS Condition shields - Interested in any skin / req with mods 20% reduced Bleeding, Blind, Crippled, Dazed, Poison, Weakness
Random Inscribable stuff (Any req):
Glowing Runic Maul
Shadow Blade
Crab Claw Maul
Terror Scythe
Mallyx's Savagery
Stygian Scythe
Taameh's Scythe
Myish's Scythe
Milefaun's Staff
The Skullflayer
Kantoh's Walking Stick
Phoenix's Retribution
Q0 Scythe (dmg 8-16/17)