Plant Fiber Farming Holdings of Chokhin Duo E/Me Mo/R

  • Here is one of the ways to farm plant fibers here using 2 people. Pretty fast and simple. I have started to make a lot of videos for things like farming and what not and sharing them to a facebook group and they got me to come here and share as well. Hope you all enjoy, any questions or suggestions are welcome.

    E/Me POV:

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    Mo/R POV:

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  • Presumably the monk could be a hero if you're lacking a partner. Microing it doesn't seem like much effort given half of it is precasting and the other half is spirits. No EVAS though which would be annoying for the bosses. Any suggestion for a workaround?

    What would be your hourly income with this?

  • Yes you could use a hero too for sure. And without EVAS it would be really hard to kill the bosses. The ele boss isnt too bad without EVAS if the hero brought like some kind of smite prayers skill maybe, like Balths aura, but might cause them to run. However I do not think the monk boss is killable in this method without EVAS. He is a pain in the butt even with it. Hourly income? Hmm it really depends. If you do it alone its possible to get a stack of fibers in half an hour. If you are splitting drops that time might go up but you could probably do it faster with a person making it balance a bit. Also that really depends on drop rates at the time you are doing it. I do this farm sometimes, and do it many ways. I will be sharing those too. But also, on my youtube channel I have other fiber farms which I like more if I want to solo farm. I will post those on this site tomorrow, as well as work to record other ways of doing this.

    Edit: 100% Doable with hero. If you use a hero just dont plan on killing monk boss. Income depends on Anets love for you and drops x)